You're the one that I want

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Prompt: Louis and Harry are neighbours. The walls are thin, and Harry always sings in the shower.

Ever since he was little, Harry had always been a show-off. He loved performing for anyone for any reason he could find. It annoyed his older sister and occasionally his mum when he had done the same song repeatedly. Harry sang all the time. Whilst cooking, driving, cleaning, working (he worked in a record shop, so nobody minded) and most importantly – whilst showering. Singing in the shower had always been a guilty pleasure of Harry's, even though he was a very talented singer, and he constantly explored his love of musicals whilst under the water stream.

It wasn't that he was embarrassed to love musicals, Harry wasn't embarrassed by anything in his life, but for some reason, the only songs that would come to him in the shower happened to be show tunes.

In Harry's opinion, the most annoying thing about singing musical soundtracks was that he never had a duet partner so found himself singing every part. To be completely honest, Harry almost preferred singing all the lines to sappy love songs but occasionally he thought that someone to be the Danny to his Sandy might be quite nice.

Coincidentally, he was singing You're the one that I want from Grease when it happened.

Louis loved his apartment. Well all of it apart from the thin walls. This meant that he could always hear the songs his neighbour, who he had never met, was singing. His neighbour always sang the loudest in the shower – probably to hear himself over the noise of the water – and it was always, without fail, a song from a musical. Legally Blonde, Hamilton, Singing In The Rain, West Side Story, Chicago – the guy knew them all and sang them all very loudly. Most of the time, Louis didn't know the songs but whenever the guy sang songs from Grease, Louis would sing along in his head but occasionally he thought about joining in.

The problem with that was that Louis had never met his neighbour, he didn't even know the guys name or if he lived alone. 'What if he has a partner and then I start singing a love song with him?' Louis always thought. (Louis assumed from the mans extensive musical theatre knowledge that the guy was at the very least bi if not gay)

After 2 months of hearing show tunes everyday when his neighbour took his daily 11am shower, Louis concluded that there probably wasn't someone else in his neighbours life as he never really heard anything to suggest otherwise like another voice or shower outside of the daily 11am.

Louis had just entered his apartment at 11am after collecting the mail from downstairs when he heard the shower start from next door. Today the mystery singer was singing You're the one that I want from Grease (Louis' favourite musical and film, he had even played Danny in his secondary school production too). Weirdly, shower boy, as Louis came to know him as, had started singing from Sandy's first line which wasn't the first line of the song. In Louis' mind, this was an invitation that the guy wanted someone else to sing Danny's part for him.

Louis plucked up some courage and did.

"You better shape up
'Cause I need a man
And my heart is set on you
You better shape up
You better understand
To my heart I must be true" Harry sang loudly.

"Nothing left
Nothing left for me to do" Louis joined in, shocking Harry in the shower (he very nearly fell over, but don't tell anyone). Harry had never heard the voice before and assumed in was his neighbour, and he hoped they were single and liked boys.

"You're the one that I want
Oo-oo-oo, honey
The one that I want
Oo-oo-oo, honey
The one that I want
Oo-oo-oo, the one I need
Oh, yes, indeed" They sang together, their voices merging and harmonising perfectly over the backing of the water spray.

"If you're filled
With affection
You're too shy to convey
Meditate in my direction
Feel your way" Harry continued with after a short break because he sang the instrumental in his head. (Louis did too)

"I better shape up
'Cause you need a man" Harry thought his duet partners voice was incredible. It made him want to sing duets with the guy forever – and he had never even seen the man.

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