Chapter sixteen: The Dance (part two)

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Chapter sixteen: Lloyd

I kept looking at the door, wondering where Alex was. Hank told me she was in the infirmary, but I didn't have the time to visit, nor did he tell me why she was there. Broken arm maybe?

The reason why I couldn't visit is because Kai wanted me to do this, my last class was Extra Classes, and Cole convinced me we needed five hours to get ready.

Which turned out to be handy, but that's not the point.

I sighed, shoving my hands in my pockets. It wasn't like Alex to stand me up but......

Standing up and headed for the door. Maybe Madame Pomfry and Jean would let me dance with her there.

Hopefully anyway.

"You know the dance is in there right? Why are you leaving so soon?" A tall, blonde, S.H.I.E.L.D agent asked.

"My date isn't there. I'm going to find her." I said, before sprinting to the infirmary.

Carefully, I pushed the door open and looked in. The room was dark, probably so the kids in here could sleep...must've not been allowed to the dance...

"Alex? Alex! Hello?" Silence. Pushing the door open I looked around.

There was a couple people lying in the beds, probably from potions class or something. But Alex wasn't there.

"Alex? Alex?!" One of the kids shifted and looked at me.

"Can you itch my arm?" He asked, gesturing to his broken arm. I shook my head, giving him a sad smile.

"Sorry, I'm looking for someone." He sighed and shifted again, trying to sleep. I looked around again.


"Lloyd..." I spun around. No one there....

Come on Lloyd. Put in your ninja training....focus.....

Lighting up my fist I held it up. The fire brightened the room. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw something rush by, before hitting a wall.

"Ow!!" I grinned.

"Ale......" I trailed off. It sounded like Alex, but it didn't look like Alex.

The girl stared back at me with red feline-like eyes. Holding up my fist, I saw Green...fur? I'm not sure...anyway, on her back she had matching green hummingbird wings. Cat ears and when she smiled, I could see fangs. Her hair was black, with red bangs. Behind her, I saw the flick of a lion tail. She was pretty, but I liked Alex better.

"Oh, sorry. I thought you were something else. Have you seen Alex McCoy?" I asked. The girl's eyes widened as she backed up. Or she tried too anyway. She clearly wasn't sure how to fly yet.

Maybe a new mutant for Xavier's?

"Well? Have you?" The girl let out a growl and flew off. I frowned.

What was she mad about?


Apperantly Alex was supposed to be in the Hospital Wing however Madame Pomfery has no idea where she went. So I went on a little....uhh.....hunt. I was afraid of checking the dorms just in case Xavier was making sure no "excited" teens went back to their rooms to um..."play".

Anyway, I checked the Tech Lab, the Science Lab, the History Classroom, the Spy Classroom, Xavier's Classroom, the giant Library, Doc Strange's classroom, Battle Strategy, the Guidence Counselors office, Ancient Languages, the Cafeteria, the Study Hall classrooms and...the Hallway.

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