Chapter thirty-two: The Battle of Our Lives (Part One)

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Warning: you will probably cry...and hate me, I'm crying internally too.
Chapter thirty-two:
Leonardo Hamato
Class: Mutant
Mutant ability: None, physical mutation
Dimension: 3rd Earth

I wasn't sure what to do when I heard the alarm go off. It wasn't something Donnie made, because I knew what those sounded like. This was different, which wasn't good.

"Hey man, what's going on?" Luke asked, running in from Donnie's room.

"Don't know. It's not our alarm." I answered, pulling out my katanas. Our question was quickly answered when a vocie I didn't recognize spoke up.

"HERO HIGH IS IN DANGER. PROJECT 7 HAS BEGUN. OUR COVER HAS BEEN BLOWN. ALL HEROES THAT ARE AVAILABLE PLEASE GET TO HERO HIGH. PROTECT YOUR SCHOOL." The alarm soon stopped after that, and the dimensional rift Luke, Raph, Kai and I were supposed to jump through appeared.

"That answers our question. Are you sure you're up for fighting?" I asked, and Luke cracked his knuckles next to me.

"For the last time, turtle dude, I'm unbreakable. You don't gotta worry about me, just focus on keeping your brothers safe." Luke said, patting my head like I was a child before jumping into the rift. I rolled my eyes. Sue me for being concerned. It wasn't like this wasn't gonna be a giant battle or anything.

"If you're done playing Mother Hen, can we go?" Raph asked.

"Shut up, Raph."

Anthony (Tony) Stark
Class: Agent, Teacher
Codename: Ironman
Powers: None, armed with a suit of armor
Dimension: 6

Yeah, we got the alert. Cap wanted us to clean up after the mess that was Sakovia when it arrived. And now Hawkeye was ranting about why we had to do the obvious to Black Widow, who was pretty much the only one who wanted us to stay.

"Come on, it's obvious Ultron is at the school. Why wouldn't the council use him to hack Stark? You said JARVIS was acting funny? Well, now you know why!!" Hawkeye exclaimed.

"Yes, but with Bruce gone, we might not be--." Widow started to say, before Hawkeye spoke up again.

"Who cares?! Are we going to let the students do this on their own?! Are we going to let our kids fight alone?! That already happened once remember?! And look what happened!! Someone needs to fight the overtaken Justice League!!" Hawkeye exclaimed. Aww, he did care about his students. How sweet.

"Hawkeye is right. We need to help Hero High." Captain America said firmly, changing the direction of the Quinnjet.

"What about Sakovia?" Widow asked.

"Sakovia will be fine. We already pushed off protecting this school once."

"I would like to point out that I had a feeling that Hero High wasn't as safe as it claimed it be." I spoke up.

"Yet you did what exactly?" Hawkeye asked. I glared at him.

"Shut up Barton." So, without the Hulk by our side, we headed to the dimensional rift. Time to work for a living.

It was time to Assemble.

Class: Agent, Justice League
Codename: Artemis
Powers: None; skilled archer
Dimension: 5

For the record, it was all Connor's fault, not mine.

We got the message from M'gaan and were in good shape to save the so important prisoners. Then he got impatient which I don't blame on him, and jumped the guards, not seeing the White Witch behind him. One thing lead to another and we were surrounded. Luckily the horn thing worked, because soon about half the school and bunch of other heroes were here too.

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