SHS: Blind

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Characters: Matt Murdock (Daredevil), Sensei Garmadon,
Annabeth Chase, Edmund Pevensie, Nova (Mention only)

One day, upon entering Battle Strategy, the heroes were met with a surprise.

A blind man, with red glasses, stood in the middle of the gym. Instantly, whispers and rumors started to fly. Was he a L.M.D that Sensei Garmadon set up to trick them? Did Sensei Gamradon know him? Was he a man that got really confused and lost? Was he Captain America in disguise?

Annabeth, being the daughter of Athena, quickly examined the man. She couldn't find anything unusual, other than the fact that he was blind, and he didn't look scared or lost. He seemed to be smiling to himself...

After walking over to her assigned seat and sitting down, Annabeth walked out and continued looking at him. He had the normal blind man look to him, complete with a walking stick, but Annabeth knew something was off. Why else would he be here?

"Welcome Children." Sensei Garmadon said, walking in. He was excited to introduce his guest, as he knew the students would be confused.

"Today we will talk about fatal flaws and how to use them to your advantage. Now, can someone tell me this man's weakness?" The blind man smiled, not bothering to turn around.

"I wouldn't call it a weakness, Sensei. At one time perhaps. Now? Not so much." Annabeth frowned. What was so special about him?

"Ah, yes, my apologies. Now, can anyone tell me?" Edmund, through not normally up to participate in class, raised his hand.

"Mister Pevenise?"

"He's blind....right? That's why he's got the stick thing?" Sensei Garmadon and the blind man, chuckled.

"Yes, that's why I have this. I don't necessarily need it, but it does come in handy." He said, finally turning around. Annabeth frowned.

"So you aren't blind, then." She said. Her mind was reeling, trying to figure out what was so special about him. He was blind, but he didn't need the help of the item, nor did he (she assumed) help from a dog. So was he blind or was he not?

"No, I am. For instance, I can't see that there are 26 students in this class, but I know that they are there. I can't tell that Mister Alexander is playing on his phone instead of listening, but I know he is." Sam Alexander, or Nova, looked up quickly.

"Huh?" Sensei Garmadon and the man chuckled.

Edmund thought this man wasn't blind and was simply lying. Or he was using magic. Like maybe his red glasses were magic or something.

Annabeth's was that he was Superman in disguise. Which she quickly tossed aside, as she realized Superman had more build to him than this guy. He also had darker hair.

"Super hearing?" The man sighed. He hated explaining this, but he had to sum it up somehow.

"No, not exactly. I can't see but I have better senses than most. I was blinded as a kid, and it... Heightened my other senses. Instead of seeing someone stand up, I hear them stand up." Edmund raised his hand.

"Is the world just pitch black to you?" The man shook his head again.

"No. It looks like the world's on fire." Annabeth tried imagining seeing the world on fire. She couldn't, probably because she wasn't quite sure what he meant by that.

"Now. Do we have any volunteers?" Silence. Garmadon sighed.

"Any want to battle Mister...?" Garmadon glanced at the man. Was he comfortable giving his secret identity to a bunch of kids?

The man smiled. Through he doubted the children would hunt him, Karen and Foggy down, he didn't want to take any chances.

"The city calls me Daredevil. I quite like it. Much better than "Devil of Hells Kitchen"." Annabeth frowned. Wasn't Hell Kitchen part of New York?

"Right. Will anyone like to spar against the Daredevil?" Through the class wasn't up to beating on a blind guy who claimed to have superhearing, Nova did end up "volunteering".

Daredevil won.

By the time class had ended, Daredevil had beaten almost everyone in the class (some students didn't want to face him).

Which left Edmund and Annabeth thinking.

Edmund thought about how his brother, Peter, seemed to be good at everything, where as he was shorter, younger, not as skilled with a sword, and as he's been told by girls "not as good looking." But after Daredevil, he thought some more. This man was blind, yet he managed to fight like someone who could see perfectly fine. Maybe being shorter had its perks. Maybe being younger had its perks. He knew not being as good looking had its perks too. For one thing, he could study in the library and not be stalked/watched. Plus, he could walk down the hallway without being bombarded by girls.

Annabeth thought about how she fought. Being the Daughter of Athena, she looked for weaknesses, people had, something to give the upper hand and win the fight. However, Daredevil managed to turn his weakness into a skill. That would throw someone like her, someone who looked for such a weakness, off guard, giving them the upper hand. Perhaps she had to be more openhanded about weaknesses.

Everyone is blind, believing that their faults are bad. Sometimes we need someone like Daredevil to show us some clarity.


Yeah I threw a life lesson in there. Sue me.

Anyway, next year will need new heroes, (because some are leaving this year) so I wanted to run some of my ideas by you guys.

#1: Once Upon A Time.

Obviously Emma is too old to join. But I was thinking Belle could be the school's new librarian, and Henry could join too. Maybe....I dunno.

#2: Steven Universe.

This is kinda obvious. Steven and Connie would be a great addition to the school. Who doesn't love Steven?

Those are my two ideas (I had a third, but I don't think I'm going to do it), so please let me know what you think!!

Peace!! Hope you love Daredevil as much as I do!!

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