Chapter twenty-one: Regret

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Warning: Major feels will surface. And I mean MAJOR. Maybe.

Based on Ultimate Spider-Man comics.

Chapter twenty-one:
Peter Parker
Class: Agent, SHIELD
Alias: Spider-Man
Powers: Wall crawling, Spider Sense, increased strength and agility
Notes: web shooters as a weapon of choice.

"Today for the next two classes will be watching the Disney adaptation of 'Hercules' or as the Greeks knew him--."

"Heracles." I said, sending a smirk Annabeth's way. We kinda had an unwritten competition going on to see who could answer the most questions or who could finish the teachers sentence faster. So far, I think it was a tie as of Gym today.

"Yes, thank you Mister Parker. Now, every so often I will pause the video and see if the movie clashes with the actual mythology. Afterwards, you will have an essay to complete about the Twelve Labors of Hercules, but more on that later." Professor Misako said, getting the projector and the DVD player set up.

"Pst. Anniebelle." I whispered. She ignored me.




"Mister Parker, please refrain from talking during the movie." The class broke into snickers, including Annabelle.

"You did that on purpose." I hissed. She smirked.

"Maybe I did. Maybe I didn't." And I thought the only person I would truly hate would be Flash Tompson.

The movie started, and I must say, this wasn't a Disney movie I saw as a kid. Mostly I just watched Pixar stuff.

It started with a guy giving some boring lecture, then a bunch of women showed up and "took it from there." Basically they sang.

"We are the Muses. Goddesses of the Arts, and proclaimer of Heroes." She said. Professor Misako paused it.

"What's wrong here?" Annabeth and I threw our hands in the air, through I wasn't exactly sure what was wrong.

"Miss Chase?" She smirked, and I rolled my eyes. Her and Hermione. And me...sometimes.

"There are nine Muses in mythology. They show five there." Misako nodded.

"Thank you Miss Chase. Yes, there are nine Muses, each for one of the arts." She said, playing the movie. They started to sing for really this time, and I must say it was rather catchy, but I was stopped from listening to the whole song because someone tapped my shoulder.

"Come with me." Oh great. Agent May. Scary Asian chick.

Following her out and ignoring the quite chorus of oooos, I looked up at Agent May.

"What's up? Don't tell me I'm in trouble." She sighed.

"You're not Mister Parker." Quietly, I growled. Does every Agent know my secret identity?

"Then what's up? Goblin escape? Need someone to take him down?" I asked. For awhile, I was actually kind itching for a fight, then I saw what Nico Di'Angelo did to Bryce a couple of days ago.

Just thinking about it sent shivers down my spine. I remembered what happens if you aren't careful in a fight.

You die.

Agent May paused, looking for the right words.

"Yes, Norman Osborn did escape....but that's not why I'm here." Jumping when I felt a hand on my shoulder, I relaxed when I saw Mockingbird (or Agent Morse; whichever works).

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