Boredom (re-write)

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In this world of swords and magic, where the strong rules and weak dies. Where every strong species use to look down upon another species. In such a lawless world, rules are nothing but piece of words that only made for weak to be followed.

"Why dose creator create such a cruel and ruthless world?" A single question on which may all of you once be stumbled upon in your life. May be many of you know the answer, but truth be told.

The creator never wanted to create such awful world. But rather is the creations of this world who failed to achieve the creator's wish. But still he holds hope for humans who had first shown him the love... centuries ago.

Until that very humans become the cause of his own death. Being blinded by the greed, pride and wrath they threw the world in chaos.

A world without the 'GOD' is deemed to be fall in the hands of injustices and despair.

But like every dark full night has its end, the dawn of the new light full day has arrived with a new rising sun. The day when a certain slime in his naivety take step (with his non-existing foot) on this world and from that day onward every think started to change, from the economics to the politics.

In his journey, he faced many challenges and situation where he has to risk his life and of his subordinate but in the end he meets with success.

It had take some time for him to pass all obstacle in his path, but now he stand at the top of the world being known by the name, 'Rimuru, the chaos creator'. From there he changes the world with his newly found powers.

Thousand years, it all takes to meet the creator's expectation, a world that can be really called, 'Utopia'.

But unawarily he created himself a problem, also known as boredom.


In tempest, near the farming lands, located a small house. From the size of it you can say that it's only built for one person at a time with some restriction on free moment. But it does not matter too our little slime, who's that house belong to.

He lays over the floor and stare at the ceiling, he has left alone with his boredom as he does not have anything to do.

The peace that he had created is now being maintained by his subordinates, which also take his company, who with he can spend his free time.

"What shall I do now? How can i cure this boredom of mine? The world is left with nothing to offer me." He says with a depressed voice giving a sigh.

"Do you have any idea, Ciel." Rimuru asks in disappointed voice as he expects a no in her answer.

<< Master in this world there is nothing left for you b...>> she get interrupted by Rimuru.

"As expected." Rimuru says in disappointed voice

<< But master you can go to another world by reincarnation or teleportation. >> Ciel said with her usual tone.

"Yesss... I totally forget about it Ciel ". Rimuru shout in happiness hearing Ciel's reply.

"Then why don't you told me this first" Rimuru asked Ciel.

<< Master I was going to tell you but slime failed to stop himself to interrupt me before I can say anymore >> Ciel says with a cold face (imaginary).

" Sorry Ciel for my mistake please" Rimuru say with expression of guilt.

<< *sigh*>> Ciel.

'I think that Ciel not going to forgive me that easily, then leave her aside. Let me think what should I do? Reincarnate or teleportation, huu... YES that will do.'

"Ciel then let reincarnate in another world after we tell about my departure to my subordinate tomorrow". Rimuru says thinking about a way to convince all of them and bit of excitement.

After all he have a fake hop of having his 'son' back.

After the meeting with the subordinate...

"Ciel, Let begin are journey." Rimuru says out loud filled with excitement.

<< On it master... processing data... search for suitable world... creating body... transfering sole...>>





<< Successfully done.>> Ciel pronounce emotionlessly.


Baron kagenou POV :

I am standing outside a room waiting for the good news. Today I am so excited, soon my wife is going to give birth to a new child. Then I suddenly heard many scream coming out of room. It seems that soon I will have my new child in my hand.





"Congratulation my lord you have twin, one is a boy and another is a girl." The maid come out of room and announced the birth of new born babies.

Then I had inside the room, to finally lay my eyes upon my two new children. Laying beside my wife upon the bed. "Oh my little cutie and brave son."

"We have twin my love, one is girl and another is a boy and they are so cute. Claire always wants a brother but now she will have both brother and sister. She will be very happy." I look to the babies (more specific to boy) and I get worried. I look to my wife and she also seen some worried but then the boy started to cry.

"waay.. .waay... waay..." Everyone at room take a breath of relief.

Rimuru POV :

"Hey Ciel, did my reincarnation is successful." I ask ed to Ciel. Because, it's kinda dark here, I am not able to see anything.

<< Master start crying when you see light. >> Ciel says in hurry.

"Why I have to cry? Ciel." I said out of shook.

<< Master you have reincarnated as new born baby, you forget it >> Ciel explain.

"NO..., I not forget anything CIel." I said.

Then I suddenly see a light coming toward me, my body stated to move in the direction of the light. The next movement, I see many people standing in a room circling around me. Then I soon started to cry as ordered by Ciel.

"Waay ...waay... waay..." So that people don't think there is something wrong with me.

But then I notice that my new father is saying that we have twin, one is girl and another is boy.

"Yay... I always want a sister in previous life, Ciel I want to see my sister can I see her" Rimuru asks for Ciel for help.

<< Correction master you have a brother >>. Ciel says smugly.

"What you mean Ciel?" I say shouting upon Ciel.

<< Master you are now a girl >> Ciel say smiling

"Ciel, what you have done to me. I want my 'son' back, I know you did on purpose" I say crying.

<< Now master truly become a baby >> a smug look can be seen upon Ciel's face.



So here the rewrite like I said. Here I tried to give different start not like some classical fanfic, hop you guys like it. Well I also try for not change much of its previous content. And there one more thing, he can do anything to cure is boerdom.

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