Bushin festival

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Shining upon the crowded streets of the Midgare kingdom the sun reaches its peak, giving a perfect environment suitable to host the Bushin festival.

With every second that's passes way, the more near we gets to the preliminary rounds. And as a moments approach the hearts of each contender are starting to get excited with trill of the upcoming challenges.

And yet, he still stands alone on the top of the clock tower, gauging the strength of his foes beneath him.

Black hairs and black eyes, followed by the ever blank expression, wearing a sleeveless black coat over a white shirt and a black pent on the lower half. Truly, an appearance of a mob.

[A/N: looks like man stills lives in the era of black and white hahahaaa...]

But currently it's seems, he is lost in his train of thoughts.

This transcends the line of race or nationality, the sponsors, the fighters, the spectators. They all want one thing and one thing only... Absolute strength!

Here in this festival, where all are unified in the quest to find the strongest among us, I know what I must do and that is...

"To conceal my eminent powers, enter the tournament, and make all the spectators first think, 'Oh, no, no, that guy's dead for sure.' Then make them gradually realize, 'Wait, this one's pretty strong.' Until finally, 'who the heck is that guy?!' they will scream."

As he imagined his plain achieving the success, a huge smile comes on his face.

It is one of the top items on my eminence in shadow bucket list.

"And it is time! The big wave has come to town and I'm going to ride it!" stretching his both arm in opposite direction and rising it in air, he gives a laugh of madness.



"There is so many people, I never thought that this festival holds so much importance to this world's residences!" with a chuckle she says to herself.

She wanders around the streets of Midgare kingdom and watches different kinds of races gathering together.

"What a nostalgic moment it is?" she murmured.

Now looking at this, it's brings back the memories of Tempest... Especially of the founding festival, its stills feel like it just being a day since then.

In her thought, she walks inside the grand stadium where the Bushin festival is held. Upon entering the structure she directly heads toward a counter.

<<So master, now what are you upto?>> A sweet voice echoed in her head.

"What you mean by that? Can't you see me? What I am doing" she says as she pays for the ticket of the Bushin festival.

<<Are you really going to watch battles.>> Ciel's tries to confirm.

"Yes, after all I'm not in a mood of ruining an event that has reminded me of the old days." Taking a pause. "Besides, I think there is not much for me to do right now." Looking toward the ticket she holds, she replies back to Ciel.

Walking out from the stadium, her sight was attracted toward a crowd of people ganging upon a poor fellow.

As she walks near the group, her sight falls upon the poor man, he have black hair and black eyes wearing somewhat of mix of light and heavy armor, his eyes wear dull like he had not slept for a while. How pathetic?

Currently, he was swing in the air being lifted by the big man, he wear an eye patch upon his left eye and have a hairless head, muscular body with fine definition. He looks like someone how holds pride in his strength.

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