The White Witch

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"I have to find_ a safe place_ before it's too late."

In this district, where the most population density arises every day as most of the shops are located here serving as the main attraction of this place also known as 'shopping district'. Filled with crowd, 24 hours.

So to ensure security of such place, a large number of dark knights are stationed here, guarding the place 24 hours. Still there are many alleyways located out of sights, deep inside the district, where paths lead to warehouses.

In one of such streets a single girl walks alone, platinum-blue hair that reaches her waist, a cute face with golden eyes and a slim body, perfectly suitable for any athlete.

Holding her chest with the right hand taking support of a wall with the left hand; she walks straight toward one of the warehouse. Judging by her expressions, one can tell she is in a pain.

"My control__ is losing__ need to... hurry." She murmurs with a heavy breathe.

But unknown to her, she was being followed by one of the seven shadows; a group consisted of the first seven member of shadow garden who had granted power by Shadow himself. And the one that is on the job of pursuing her is known by name of 'Alpha'.

With a might stance she stands on one of the tops of building. A single question escapes is mouth, under her breathe. "What are you doing Ms. Rimuru?"

For her, Rimuru was always an odd ball, the time she spent with her in kagenou's mansion, she never understands her true nature. As a result for her she was a book. A book that you can't understand but still you can tell that it is full of mysteries.

And may be one of the pages of that book is now going to be unfolded in front of Alpha.

Seeing Rimuru entering one of the warehouses she followed her in.

To witness, a wall with magic sealing chains attached on it. In second look of it, you can say that this place is use to restrain slaves.

And Rimuru was using those chains to restrain herself.

Looking on the scene Alpha quickly jumped in front of her, making her startled.

"No-no, stay away from me!!! Its-its...taking!!" Rimuru says, her usual calm and collective self was nowhere to be found. Instead, she was shaking, she was afraid.

"Ms. Rimuru, control yourself! I am not here to bring you harm!" Alpha shouts at her trying to make her came back at reality.

"I-I I'm lo-sing conscio..." a feeble voice comes out from Rimuru's mouth before her body becomes motionless.

*tap* sound of landing

Alpha that was previously standing near Rimuru was now standing far from her. Her instincts told her to leap back as she sense the devilish aura coming out of Rimuru.

In her place stands a girl with the same face as Rimuru but her platinum blue hair is white; her calm golden eyes are now crimson red that can induce fear in its victim's heart.

"Ms. Rimuru is you ok?!" Alpha asks, fear can be sensed in her voice.

But no replies come; instead she gets a single glance making her sweat from head to toe, freezing her on the spot from the fear.

"Who is... Rimuru?" Without any emotion the figure says. "I am not... Rimuru, rather_ I am... Me."

At this moment the dullness in her eyes was lifted, the inner conflict between her and Rimuru was ended, resulting in graining her awareness.

The memories that belong to her, the memories of when Rimuru lost controls, flooded in her mind.


With a sharp sound she leaps toward Alpha and in a split second she pass through her, inflicting a fatal blow with a sword manifest of air, it happened so fast that Alpha was not even able to see her, leaving her place.

"I not want to tie up any more." A voice filled with fear echoed in Alpha's ear and in another instant she disappeared leaving Alpha to bleed to death.

This is the birth of the fake demon lord, a being that defies the laws of world, which the world will know as the 'white witch'.


"__A_ph...Al__ha...Alpha...wake up...come on..."

"O-open y-ou-r eyes."

A feminine voice echoed in her ears as she slowly regains her consciousness. She was laying on a bed, next to her beta was seated.

"Finally!! You wake up Alpha, I was getting so scared!!" Beta said loudly giving a hug.

Taking her time to process the current situation, Alpha looked at beta and with a serious tone she asks. "Beta, what happened?"

Pulling her back to reality and making her to give up the hug.

"O-yes, how should I start?" giving a hum. "lets me begin it from, how we found you?"

"5 hours ago, we had sensed a massive magic explosion around the warehouses area. So we went there for investigation and... we find you, laying on the floor unconscious."

Hearing Beta's statement, there was confused look on Alpha's face.

"Not harmed?" she murmured.

"Can we know that what happened there?" Beta asks in a formal tone.

But before their query can meet with an answer, their little meeting get interrupted as one of their subordinate makes her way straight in the room, yelling.

"Lady Beta, No. 234 and No.432 have regain their consciousness." Seeking the attention of every person that are present there.

Upon realizing it she immediately retaliates. "Don't look at me like that."


The duo of girls that they are talking about are the once that were found wounded in the massacre town.

"Did we get any information on the accident ?" Beta asks.

"Specially, about who did it?" Alpha adds in Beta's Question.

"Yes, there was a little description that we got but... it's kind of like a bluff." With a bit hesitation at the last part the Girl speaks.

"It doesn't matter, there are many things that kind of unbelievable but still they are true." Alpha says as an image of Rimuru flash in her mind.

"Excuse me for my arrogance lady Alpha!" she says with bow

"According to them, the one that they encounted was girl in her teens with white hair and crimson red eyes. On the first look of her, she was like fear strucken innocent girl standing in front of them. But..." Taking a small pause.

"she was the culprit behind it. her innocent face coated by blood, the hands all painted in red. She is the..."

Every one holding their breathe.

"demon lord."

With these certain revelation the room is now thrown in chaos as everyone feels a chill deep down in their spine.


"Wow!! That was certainly a nice introduction of you, Ciel."

Unbeknown to shadow garden, their whole conversation has been heard by Rimuru.

With his non-human hearing capability, he heard them from the top of the mitsugoshi's mall.

<<If you think so, master. I am ok with it.>> A emotionless voice echoed in Rimuru's head.

"Still the same, you are so boring! But don't worry, with this you can also have some fun. And may be you will have a change." he spoke with carefree voice.


End of chapter

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