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       this is more of a crack chapterish. It contains "Simpelle" and stuff. I still would read it tho.

         When i walked into class, late again, to see Alphys doing group projects. I walked up to Noelle, to ask if i we can do this project together (she's normally with Berdly, but whatever.)  when Susie came in. Susie is like a typical mean girl, honestly. Exept make then ten times more bad ash (my momndoesnt let me cuss.) and Simpelle asked 

"Hey maybe me and S-"  but got cuttoff by Alphys, when she said "Yeah, Noelle and Susie, go and get some chalk, its in the closet"  Right when sussy and nelle were abt to go make out of whatever, Alphys told me to come up, so i did. "Hey, Kris. So, this might be weird butttt..." She then wisperd, "if sus bus and nelle r in the closet for more then three minutes, tell me." she said, susily. "Uh, sure." I responded. She litrally ships them lol.  It had been over three minutes, so i said "I GOTTA GO TO THE BATHROOM BYE!!" to the class and ran out the door.

         When i went out, there was an..interseting person standing out was my mom. "Mom? What are you doing, haha.." i asked her. "i need to befriend snans undertale.' she said, susilly. "What abt u??? she asked cutely. "getting chalk." i responded, acting liek this was normal. Its not. "kk" she said, and walked away. Thank god shes gone man. I got a text from my onlien bf that said "in class rn hbu" and i responded with "spying on a simp and a bully. i gtg now bye <3 <3 <3" "k bye bnb (baby non binary) blue bird OUT" i blushed. 

       I forgot about the simps and went to the closet and opend the door and then i saw them fall, and i jumped screaming "NOELLE!" i dint want her to die, shes one of the only people who like my minecrap streams (afetr my bf/smartgeniusnewadmin) on twitchytweety. I landed somewhere, but i dsided to rest to make up me staying up till liek 12 playing minecrap.

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