6. Through the darkness

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"Me being rich doesn't really have to do with anything." I say. "Well, you get everything you want, right?" Susie asked. "I guess.." I said, half truthing. What i might get things physically, sure. But..

"Hey, Susie?" I asked. "Huh?" She responded. "Do you think this is just a...dream?" I asked her. "Probably not?" She told me. "I dont normally dream, anyways." She told me. "You..Dont dream?" I asked. "Nah." She told me, as i noticed her eyebags. "Well maybe you should. Not getting sleep is bad for your heath!" Noelle said. 

"I dont really care. I sleep enough in class." Susie told me. "You sleep for like, an hour, Susie." I told her. "Oh yeah? And how long do you sleep?" Susie asked me. "I-i Um.." I stuttered.. "H-Hey, look, a maze!" I said, changing the subject. 

"Oh yeah. Lancer, do you know the way?" Susie asked. "Cant remember at all!" Lancer said. 

We went through a crazy maze. It was ridiculously hard. 

"Kris and Ralsei?" I said, as they came up too us after the maze. "Oh, hey punks. Tell you what, if you beat me in a fight, I'll join your side." Susie said. I stepped back, ready to watch the fight. 

Susie violently swung her axe, but Ralsei sung a lulliby, putting Susie to sleep. They would whisper things in Lancers ear.  "Sing with me a song, of birthrights and love~" Ralsei sung. 

"H-Hey Susie? I kind of, um, started liking the enemy. Bad battle atmosphere." Lancer told Susie. "If you dont want to fight..We dont have too, i guess." Susie told Lancer. "You guys didn't win..Because you, um, cheated..by..um..." "By the power of kindness!" Lancer said. "Yeah, well, I'll join your side. Dont expect anything but violence from me, though." Susie said, as she walked behind Kris. 

"I-I'll join too!" I told Kris, Ralsei, And Susie. "Hey, Susie? Does this mean we aren't a team anymore?" Lancer asked. Susie, sweating, said "Of course we are still a team! You can..um..Join the Fun Gang!" Susie told him. "Wow! Me in the fun gang?!" He said, obviously excited, but his smile faded. 

"Wait..But if i hang out with the good guys, then..Can we still have monogramed track jackets?" He asked. "Yeah! Noelle and Ralsei can make them!" Susie exclaimed. "H..Huh?!" Ralsei said, surprised."Okay..Sure!" Ralsei said, smiling. "We can make them sometime this week!" I said. "Ahahaha! Lancer joins the team!" 

And so, we ventured off..


"Wow, this is so cool!" Lancer said, sliding in the forest. "I've never been on such a big team before!" He told Kris,Susie,Ralsei, And Noelle. "Dont you have a...big team of bad guys?" Ralsei asked him. "Yeah, but my dad forces them to listen to me." Lancer told the gang. "So..They don't actually like me very much.." Lancer said. "Im sure they like you plenty!" Noelle told him. "Either way, you dont need those clowns anymore." Susie said. 

"Man, im STILL hungry. Its like nothing here i eat matters. Shoulda stolen more money for the bake sale, i guess.." Susie complained. "...I was thinking about baking a cake later." Ralsei said. "Can I help?" Noelle asked. "Sure!" Ralsei told her. "...Whats the catch?" Susie asked Ralsei. "You have to stop making fun of me, for one." Ralsei told Susie, burying his mouth in his scarf.

"PASS!" Susie yelled, leading to her and Lancer laughing. "Look! Susie! A candy tree!" Lancer said, pointing out a tree with dark candy on it. "Hell yeah!" Susie exclaimed. Susie tried getting the candy. "Damn..The last piece is too high to get." Susie said, disappointed. "Worry not, Susie! I have a special form for moments like these!" Lancer said, kind of sounding like Berdly. "R-Really?" Susie asked. "Watch and learn, team!" 

There was an explosion, And Noelle hid in a corner, freaking out. Lancers epic form was: HIM BEING BENT DOWN!!! "Look! Stoll forme!" Lancer said, excitedly, as Noelle Left the cornor and rejoined the party. "all you did was put your hands on the ground..." Ralsei said. "Hey, dont act so jealous." Susie said. Susie hopped on Lancer and got the candy. Lancer left Stool Forme.

 "Heh, got it." Susie said. "Ooo! Tell me what it taste like!" Lancer said to Susie. "You mean..You've never had a dark candy before?" Susie asked Lancer. "I mean, I've always wondered what its like...but im not able to pick it for myself.." Lancer said. Susie gave Lancer her dark candy. "Tell me what it taste like." Susie told him. "Your giving it to me? I thought you were hungry!" He asked Susie. "I, uh, changed my mind." Susie told him. "Hohoho! Candy joins the team!" Lancer said. 


"...So what does it taste like?" Susie asked. "Yummy Yummy! Like friendship!" Lancer said. "Uh...Whats THAT taste like?" Susie asked. "Hahaha! Like my teeth are disintegrating!" Lancer said. They laughed. "Thats...actually bad." Susie said. "Hahaha! Yeah, but i thank you for sharing!" Lancer told Susie. 

"Hey..Is that a castle?"  Noelle asked. "Yeah! Its the darkners Castle!" Ralsei told Noelle. "Aka my home!We me and...my dad live." Lancer said. "Theres a fountain." Kris said. "Oh, yes! Thats the dark fountain!" Ralsei said. "If we get there, you, Susie, and Noelle will be able to get home!" Ralsei told Kris. "Jeez, this is taking long enough." Susie said. "My mom will get mad if im super late home without telling her.." Noelle said. 

"The foundation is gaurded right now." Lancer said. "Guarded? Why?" Noelle asked. "So that lightners cant leave at that my dad can..." Lancer said. "Cmon, Lancer! We can beat those gaurds!" Susie told Lancer. "But what if you.. if you had to fight..." Susie interrupted Lancer. "Everyone bleeds, i think. It'll be fine!" Susie said. "B-But Susie..." Lancer said, sweating. "What is it?" Susie asked. "....I think...I think i need to go." Lancer said. 

((he pulled a Snowgrave Noelle lol)) 

"Huh? When are ya gonna be back?" Susie asked. "...Never." Lancer said, running away. "W-WHAT? LANCER! Why are you acting so weird..?" Susie yelled, as she ran for Lancer. "SUSIE!" Noelle and Ralsei yelled, as they ran for Susie. 

Kris ran off for the rest of the Party. "Lightners approaching the castle! Get them!" A random soldier said, and engaged with Kris in battle. 

'Ice Shock.' A voice told Noelle. Noelle froze. 

'Ice Shock.' Noelle repeated,and She freezed all the enemies trying to attack Kris, and started running away from Kris. "Lancer! P" Susie said, finally caught up with Lancer. The castle gates shut. "Whats going on?" Susie asked. "W-Wait!" Ralsei said. The guards stopped. "What?" They asked. "Why are we being thrown in jail..?" Ralsei asked. "Orders are Orders." A soldier said. 

Wc: 1126

Sorry for not uploading in days! I edited some of the previous chapters and made them better with spelling and stuff. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2023 ⏰

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(DISCONTINUED) A Freezing Hearts Warmth -Deltarune Suselle Fanfic-Where stories live. Discover now