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📍 cabinet of doctor Abgrall
2 p.m

omniscient POV:

"Okay Alyah welcome, I'm Doctor Abgrall and I'm here to..."

While she was talking Alyah couldn't help but switch her gaze on the decor of the room.

There were 2 large paintings with weird shapes on them and a painting with naked people holding hands.

Alyah couldn't help but judge her psychologist for her taste in painting.

There was also a coffee table that separated the two women with a vase on top with a single rose inside.

Alyah started to stare at this rose.

"Alyah, are you with me"

"Yes" Alyah put her focus back on Doctor Abgrall

"Do you know why are you here ?"

At her words the images jostle in Alyah's head.

The rain falling on their faces, her incessant crying, him telling her that everything was going to be fine.

He lied

Tears started to burn her eyes but she wiped them away with the back of her hand.

"No" She responded a little bit drier than she would've liked

"Are you sure ?" Doctor Abgrall asked her

"No" she said while looking down

"Do you feel the need to be here ?"


It was the truth. Even if Alyah had every reason to be here, she still kept thinking that she was wasting her time. She could've been sleeping right now since it was 2 p.m. and that she never got to sleep at night.

"Then why are you here ?"

Doctor Abgrall was one of the best psychologists in New York, she had a tone of patient. But Alyah was with no doubt one of the saddest cases she ever had. Still she kept her professionalism.

"Cause my friend forced me to"

"And why did your friend force you ?"

"Cause according to him, I'm doing badly"

"And you, how do you feel ? Can you describe it to me ?"

How did she feel?
She didn't know.
And she would've liked to know.
But according to people, she was depressed.

She felt empty, destroyed and sick. All at the same time.

She was suffering.

She would've liked to say that she was dead inside.
But when you die you do no longer feel anything.

"No" She said dryly

"Okay, listen to me, if you don't want my help that's fine with me, the door is wide open. But I advise you to not go through it because the minute you step outside this room saying that you don't want my help, I'll not be able to do anything for you, however when I see you I see a young woman destroyed, broken, who needs help and I'm here for her"

Doctor Abgrall knew that she was being a little too harsh with her, but based on her experience that's what Alyah needed the most. A little electric shock to wake her up, so that she can finally realize that she needs to move forward.

Alyah looked at her in the eyes, she was sincere, she wanted to help her, but Alyah didn't want anyone to help her.

She thought back to Camrin, he was the one who made her do it, she didn't eat, didn't go out, didn't live anymore since their deaths, it was as if a part of her had also died that day.

"They wouldn't want to see you like that" Camrin used to tell her. Well, she would've liked them not to die, but hey, we don't get everything we want in life.

But he was right, she couldn't go on like this anymore. And she was aware of it.

"I'm sorry, I'm just not very comfortable talking about this topic, ...but I want you to help me" Alyah replied lowly

The psychologist's face softens

"Okay then, let's start slowly, how did everything happen?"



Here's the prologue I hope y'all liked it

Luv, haj444r

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