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📍New York, the Bronx
4:56 p.m

Alyah's POV:

"Bro just answer the fuckin' question it's not that hard" Camrin said angrily clearly fed up with my nonability to understand shit

"Stooop I'm trying"
I was literally about to cry cause of a god damn exercise

Me and Camerin were studying at my place for our chemistry test that we had 2 weeks to prepare, but of course we were just getting started and the test was tomorrow.

"Look if you wanna find xmax ya just have to take the smaller between n1/stoichiometric coefficient1 and n2/stoichiometric coefficient2 It's so fuckin' easy bro, let me call ya lil bro I know for fact he'll understand faster than you"

"Spwm, look I'm doin' it"

I started writing what he just told me and it actually came out right.

"Wow I'm so smart look" I said putting my
copybook all over his face.

"Yeah yeah" he said putting my hand down while chuckling a little bit.

"We sittin' next to each other anyways you'll give me the answers" I said confidently

"Ummh" he said side eying me


2 hours later:

"I can't fucking focus, fuck it who cares if I fail" I said as I put my head in my arms while lying on my desk.   

"Me bro ya mom told you you can't go to Mason's party
with me if you fail this one"

"I don't wanna go to Jersey anyway so I'm good" I said as I taped his shoulder

He smacked his teeth loudly before getting up from his chair.

"I'm kidding, Omg. I got it" I said trying to reassure him

"No you don't"

"Yes I do, stop underestimating my abilities bro"
I got up from my chair too

"Now let's go watch gumball" I said as I dragged him by his arm to the living room.

"I'm not watchin' this little ass kid show witchu' again"

" Shut up you know you like it"

"This shi' be scarin' me" Camrin said as the episode was ending.

"Rightt it's so creepy I can't believe they made this for kids" I said laughing.

Just as we were about to go back to my room we heard a noise coming from the front door as two people walked in talking, but they suddenly stopped when they saw us together .
It was Kay and Arion

"What y'all doin' ?" Kay said mugging us

"Nothin' we were just studying" I said as I sat back down with Camrin.

"Y'all not studyin' righ' now" Kay said walking towards us.

"Mind yo business" Camrin told him rudely

As Kay was about to say something, Arion cut him off.

"Where ma son ?" he said referring to my lil brother.

"Probably in his room"

"YO ALI" Arion yelled going to Ali's room.

Kay just stood in front of us and forced us to shift so that he could sit right between us, he then put his arm around my neck possessively jerking my body towards him.
I just rolled my eyes at his stupidity.

End of Alyah's POV:

📍 cabinet of doctor Abgrall
2:30 p.m

Omniscient POV:

"Wait, who were Kay and Arion to you ?" Doctor Abgrall asked

At the mention of those two names Alyah sighed

"My best friends I guess"

"You guess ?"

"It's complicated" Alyah didn't know how to describe her relationship with the two men.

"Well explain it to me" The psychologist insisted .

Doctor Abgrall already knew most of Alyah's story thanks to her file, but Alyah didn't need to know that. Plus she wanted to hear it with her own words.

Alyah looked at her in the eyes, she really wasn't comfortable having to explain her whole life to a stranger, but if that's what it takes to stop feeling the way she felt she was willing to do it.

"I'm born in Miami with my little brother, I lived there till I was like 8 and him 1, age at which my parents divorced. Then my mom went to live in the Bronx next to her best friend : Arion's mom" I said while taking a little break.

"Due to our moms bein' besties we grew up together even when we didn't live in the same city, we used to link up every holiday or weekend"
Alyah said while a little smile formed on her lips.

Those weekends were really the best, she had so much fun not wondering about anything but finding Arion while they were playing hide and seek in the park

"My mom had so many pictures of Arion and me together when we were little it's scary"
She said chuckling a little bit.

"And I'm talkin' like pictures of 3 years old him holding and feedin' 3 weeks old me, or pictures of us a little bit older in Halloween costumes"  She said remembering this picture she once saw at her mama house, you could've seen 8-year-old Batman Arion and 5-year-old princess Alyah.

"When we moved, we moved in the apartment just in front of Arion's mom's one So we were practically living together" Alyah made a quick pause before thinking

"Even with our 3 years gap, he always treated me as if we were the same age. That's what I loved the most about him, he never let me feel alone, he introduced me to all of his friends letting it be known that I was his "little sister".Everything he was doin', I was doin'" She made a quick pause -"Well maybe not everything but you get what I mean"

Doctor Abgrall nodded slightly while smiling

"And for my lil brother, he became his only father figure cause my dad was still in Miami and we weren't seeing each other a lot"

Alyah then decided that it was time to talk about the main reason she was sitting in front of this  psychologist today

"Due to me always being with Arion, I was always with Kay too, his best friend, but surprisingly me and Kay never really got along with each other's. Always arguing and fightin' around, even when we got older we still couldn't stand each other's" Alyah smiled remembering all those times Kevin beat her ass when they were kids.

The truth was that she had a crush on the boy since she met him

"But growing up he started becoming more and more rude and annoying towards me. Never letting me do shit and always on my ass"

"It was so confusing to me cause even Arion wasn't like that" Alyah said trying her best to find the words to describe her relationship with Kay growing up.

"We had this weird relationship where we loved each other's to death but we didn't like each other's. Don't try to understand" The young girl finally said finishing her little back story.

The first chapitre y'all, I'm so excited !
The beginning might be a little boring, but don't worry it get better😭.

Luv, haj444r

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