419 12 6

📍New York, the Bronx
12:53 p.m

Alyah's POV :

I woke up with my kitten liking all over my face, I pushed him with my hand and adjusted myself on my bed but furrowed once not feeling Kay's body next to mine. I remember falling asleep in his arms tho

I opened my eyes and saw no one, it then came to me. He couldn't stay the night, It would've been too risky

I sighed then sat down on my bed just thinking like usual and petting my cat, I still had no name for him yet

Someone then opened my door, it was Arion with Ali

"Good morningggg" Ali said jumping on my bed and taking the kitten

"Good morning" I said to him and Arion

"You slept good ?" Arion asked

"Yeah and you ?"

"No, the neighbors were making so much noise climbing the stairs at 3 like they alone in the building or sum" he said complaining while sitting on my bed too

I slightly froze, understanding that he was talking about me and Kay when we were coming back from the police station

"Oh" I said shrugging my shoulders "I ain't hear nothing" I said trying to sound as innocent as I could

"Mhh weird" he said shrugging his shoulders too

"And you, you slept well" I asked Ali quickly changing the subject

"Mhh no Doug is right the neighbors were making too much noise" he said playing with the kitten

Damn I don't remember being that loud

"The cat still has no name" Ali pointed out

"Yeah, I still don't know what to name him" I said petting it too

"Bro I told you what to name him" Arion said

He wanted to name him so bad, but his propositions were like: kittyflocka, catebk or percky

"Yeah no" I said remembering his name ideas

"Ion care ima call him kittyB regardless" he said

"What about Namir" I asked them

"Namir, what does that even mean" Ali said

"I think it means tiger in Arabic, I saw it on internet" I said

"Yeah sounds cool, but not better than catebk" Arion said

"Yeah I like it" Ali said

"Ok let's name it that" I said happy to finally found him a name

I stood up and went to my closet to take some clothes then to my bathroom to do my hygiene routine

After brushing my teeth, taking a quick shower, moisturizing my body, doing my skincare routine and putting on my clothes, I finally went out of the bathroom. Ali and Arion weren't in my room anymore but in the living room giving Namir food

"Arion when are you driving with me again" I asked sitting on the couch sighing

"I told you I'd do it witchou again, but I don't got time now, I have to go somewhere, ask Kay or sum he has his license too you know" he said taking his keys and phone ready to leave

"Where you going" I asked

"At sha's crib, you wanna come ?" he asked

"Arg no thanks" I said with disgust

Let me go... ~kf Where stories live. Discover now