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This is just a short sweet story I made as a carry on from one of my imagines, hope you enjoy xx

Jake sully was Turuk Makto and was one of the best hunters we had, but so was I.

Me and him were always in competition with each other of who is the best and it was obviosuly me. Considering I was the one who taught him everything he knows.

I found him in the forest surrounded by blood thirsty viper wolfs, he obviously was one of the sky people I could tell by the worn down t-shirt he was wearing and the thick human accent. It was only when Ewya chose him that I took him back to our old home. From there many things happened like my mother ordering me to train him despite my many efforts to talk her out of it, I trained him and it was fun while it lasted, we would spend our days hunting and flying about, Jake telling me story's from the sky walkers world. Up until Jake betrayed us and the humans attacked, Jake then came back as Turuk Makto and helped us in the war but ever since then I have not been fond of him. After all he was the one who got my father killed and my home destroyed let alone all the other deaths of our innocent navi.

And after allll that it brings us to here.

I waited silently before pulling back my bow and releasing hitting the viper wolf straight in the neck and letting out the breath I've been holding "clean hit" a deep voice came from beside me causing me to jump "aw did I scare you" jake sully said revealing himself from the bushes he was hidden in "shut up" I said walking over to the now dead viper wolf and whispering "I see you, brother, and I thank you. Your spirit will run with Eywa, while your body will remain and become part of the People." Before removing my arrow and picking up the dead animal to take back to the clan. "Do you want me to carry it?" Jake asked "I can do it thankyou" "whatever you say princess" he had called me princess ever since he met me, I think it was because my father was the clan leader, he said it was some "human thing" as he said in his words but I never really understood the joke.
A couple days later I was walking through the forest looking for something to catch when I saw a big viper wolf I pulled back my arrow ready to hit until i heard the wind of an arrow and a cry from the wolf as is fell to the ground. Someone got it before me "fuck" I said under my breath as I looked around to see who it was. And suprise suprise it was Jake Sully he knelt down and whispered to the animal "I see you,sister,and I thank you. Your spirit will run with Eywa, while your body will remain and become part of the People." I carefully walked up behind him trying not to make loud movements until I stepped on a crunchy leaf "hey princess" he said not even checking to see if it was me "stop calling me that" "why princess?" He said turning round to face me "because I am not a princess" "hmm" he said brushing off the conversation as he bent down to pick up his catch "come on" he said to me as he started to walk off "I am not your pet I do not need to follow you" "yes you do, it is almost eclipse and we are in the viper wolfs nesting area" "I will be fine" I said walking off "if you get killed it's not on me" he said turning his back and walking off. I climbed up a tree and lay down on one of the thick branches just thinking to myself but sooner or later I had fallen asleep.

I woke up to the pitch black around me unable to see a thing and let out a sharp breath as I realised I was in the viper wolfs nest in the dark not knowing what to do "y/n!, y/n!" I heard a voice shout from the distance "jake!" I shouted back not knowing where he was I looked below me to multiple pairs off glowing eyes and hissing sounds, I was definitely in there nest. And they did not like it. I saw a bright light appear as I watched jake come round the corner with a big stick that was on fire "back off, back off" he shouted at them "y/n" he whisper shouted "jake" I did the same back he looked up to see me "come down quietly" he said and I did. I carefully got down standing next to Jake and his fire stick thingy that clearly scared the wolfs "ok step back calmly" he said grabbing my wrist and taking me back with him "keep going" he said as we got further away from the wolfs. We carefully carried on stepping back , pointing the fire in the wolfs direction until we heard hissing come from behind us Jake moved the fire stick to behind us and we saw more wolfs. We only had one fire stick so it was either block the front or the back "shit were surrounded" I whispered to him as the viper wolfs inched closer to us "no shit" he replied back swallowing some of his saliva "shut up" I whispered back before looking around to see if there was anything we could do "jake" "what" "cover me I'm gonna grab that stick there and then we will have one for the front and the back" "smart ok" he said covering me and I carefully bent down the pick the stick up earning a hiss from the wolfs I put my stick up to the fire on his and watched it catch "you get the back" jake said to me as we turned back to back each pointing out flaming sticks at them "carefully back up" he said as we took slow steps away "when I say run, sprint like your life depends on it, because it does" he said to to me I let out a small nod with a knot forming in my stomach from nerves "run" I ran as fast as my legs could take me following Jake through the forest, we ran and ran until we were at the home tree. "Thank Eywa" i said breathless "that was your fault" he said looking at me "how?" I asked getting defensive "you should have come back with me" "well sorry I didn't want to walk with you" I said letting out a small laugh at how pathetic he was being "and because of you we nearly died" "I never asked you to come find me" "well I couldn't just leave you there" "what happened to 'if you get killed it's on you"I said mimicking his accent as he let out a wheezy laugh "I don't sound like that" "you do" "I don't" "you do" "no" "yes" "no "ye...." "Y/n, Jake, it is the middle of the night I suggest you both go to bed and shut up before I pluck your tongues out of your mouths!" We heard someone shout from above us it was my mother, Mo'at. "Sorry mother" I said walking off to bed "sorry" Jake said before doing the same.

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