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5 boring days passed of me unable to do anything, and being utterly useless as I had to rest all day. I had been able to start walking again but with great pain and a limp, but that didn't stop me from wanting to go out and help provide for my people.

I awoke early to try and avoid people talking me out not to go, I grabbed my bow and took off into the forest. I was still unable to climb as it caused me pain but I had managed to find a thick bush I could hide in. I saw the small animal sniffing about, I pulled back my arrow and released, head shot. "Oel ngati kameie, ma Tsmukan, ulte ngaru seiyi ireiyo. Ngari hu Eywa saleu tìrea, tokx 'ì'awn slu Na'viyä hapxì" I said to the animal as I pulled out the arrow and picked it up, ready to sneak it back home. If my mother knew I was out hunting she would pluck out my eyeballs as I was meant to be resting but I couldn't stand myself being useless lounging around all day, I got back home and threw the dead animal near the fire ready for someone to prepare it once everyone had awoken and then headed back to bed hoping no one noticed I was gone. I tiptoed over to my hammock "did you enjoy your little adventure?" I looked up to see Jake leaning up against a tree glaring at me "what adventure?" "I'm not stupid, I know you have been bored out of your brains staying in all day" I stayed quite not knowing how to respond "relax, I won't tell anyone" he said walking over to me with a smirk on his face "thanks" I said walking off, I felt his strong grip grab onto my wrist and spin me round to face him, I was practically against his chest how close we were "but if you want me to keep your little secret you have to do something for me" "and what's that?" "Haven't thought of it yet, but I'll let you know" "great" I said walking off.

I sat next to my mother at breakfast as we ate that incredible catch that 'Jake caught' of corse he took the credit from me. But in some way I'm glad he did so I didn't have to face my mother about sneaking off. "Mother may I go down to the lake please" I asked her trying to make my eyes seem like I was begging "you may once I change your bandages" "thankyou" I said exitedly.

"The wound is healing well, but you popped a stitch" my mother said to me as she inspected my wound "I probably did it climbing into bed or something" i lied to her "you sure?" I heard Jake say across from me "y/n what is he talking about?" My mother said glaring at me "no idea" I said brushing it off and giving Jake a warning stare "you may go out today, but no climbing or running" my mother said to me "thankyou" I said getting up "y/n" "yes?" "I'm serious" "i know, bye" I said trying to walk away "Jake go with her please" my mother said to him "what!" "Jake will go with you to make sure you don't" "what you done trust me?" "your always getting yourself into trouble, Jake will go with you and that's final" "let's go princess" Jake said getting up and walking ahead of me "shut up" I said following him.

We walked silently through the forest trying to find something to catch. It seemed like the forest was completely empty not even a small animal in sight, we had been walking a while and my leg was starting to ache, Jake could clearly see that by the look on my face "need to sit down?" He asked turning around "no I'm fine" I said stopping to catch my breath "there's a stream through these trees we will get some water" he said walking off as I followed him with my limp getting heavier. We arrived at the small stream, it was beautiful there were colourful schools of fish swimming about and birds singing from high up in the trees "here" he said handing me some water as I sat on a rock looking at the fish "thankyou" I said taking a big gulp "leg still hurting?" "a bit not to bad" "if you need a break just tell me" "yeah" I said taking another swig "ready?" He asked offering out his hand to help me stand which I reluctantly took.

We walked deeper into the forest still no sign of nothing "what is going on today?" I asked confused of why there was nothing about "it's like there hiding" he said also confused. There was a rustle from one of the bushes I loaded up an arrow ready just in case as we stayed camouflaged within a bush. It slowly walked out from behind the bush "a thanator" I whispered to Jake "shit" he said as we hid behind the bushes. It let out a sharp noise as it looked around "get down" he said squatting behind a bush and urging me to do the same as he tried dragging me down by my wrist "my leg" I whisper shouted obviously a bit to loud as it's head swiftly jerked over to where we were hiding. Jake pulled me down and held his hand over my mouth to try and silence the curse words and screams from the pain that caused on my leg. I looked up at him eyes wide as I put my hand on my leg only to pull it away and find blood, he out a finger to my lips as in telling me to be quiet. I tear silently fell from the corner off my eye from trying to suppress in my screams of pain of all my stitches popping. We stayed like this for what seemed like hours but in reality was only a couple of minuets before the thanator made its own way off.

I pulled jakes hand off my mouth and let out a cry of pain as I sat up to look down at my leg. My hands shook as I saw how much blood there was as I tried to put pressure on it "let me see" he said taking away my hand and applying the pressure himself "all the stitches have popped, we need to get you back" "mother is never going to let me leave home again" I groaned as I lay back onto the wet grass "your loosing loads of blood and that's what your worried about" he joked "do you want me to carry you or do you think you can walk?" He asked standing up "I think I can walk" "let's try" he said pulling me up. I stood up but stumbled as I attempted to walk, Jake placed my arm over his shoulder and his hand round my waist as he supported me and we started walking back as fast as we could.

"Moat!" He shouted as we were nearly back "y/n what has happened!" She shouted as she ran over looking at the blood gushing from down my leg "her stitches have popped, we were hiding from a thanator" Jake explained "get her inside quick" she said as he helped me into our home "lie her down" she yelled as she fumbled around looking for her equipment.
I awoke the next morning instantly feeling the sharp pain in my leg "morning" I heard Jake say "I'm getting deja vu" i said causing him to laugh. I looked down at my legs seeing the new neatly placed stitches "you passed out again from the pain" "where's my mother?" I asked as I looked around "she's sleeping, we took shifts watching you" "hmm" I said trying to get myself up "no your not going anywhere" he said pushing me back down "Jake I need water" "then I'll get you some just relax" I let out an annoyed breath, my first proper time out and now I'm stuck in for who knows how long being babied by Jake Sully of all people. "Thankyou" I said as he passed me a drink "how long do you think I will be like this?" I asked "your mother isn't letting you out till it's fully healed and your stitches are out" "great."

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