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Two weeks later
Finally I was free, my wound was fully healed with NO STITCHES thank Ewya. And I was finally able to feel the wind in my hair as I soared through the skys on my ikran "hey stranger" Aewtney said as he flew next to me. Aewtney was a good warrior and also without a mate, my mother had always wanted me to be with him but he's not really my type.He was to nice I know it sounds stupid but he could never take a joke and always takes things to seriously. "Oh hey" I said looking at him "where have you been?" He asked "healing" "oh yeah I heard about that I'm so sorry you had to go through it" "it's fine" "so what happened?" He asked carrying on with the conversation even though I clearly didn't want to, not that I was being ignorant but it was my first time flying in ages I just wanted to be alone. "I got shot" "well yes I know that happened, but I thought you healed" "I did and then I went out and popped all my stitches" "how?" "I was out hunting and had to hide from a thanator" "wow seems scary" "it was" "well your very brave y/n" "thanks" I said turning the opposite way from him and speeding up, but from the corner of my eye I saw him do the same "leave me alone" I said under my breath as he flew up next to me again "so tell me about this thanator experience" "there's not much to it" "surely there is, I heard you were with Turuk Makto when it happened" "you hear a lot of things don't you Aewtney" "yes so tell me" "we were hunting, saw a thanator hide from it and as I hid my stitches popped" "that's it?" "Yes that's it" I said trying to turn again only for him to follow me.
Jakes POV
I was up in the clouds flying on my Turuk when I looked down to see two ikrans, I was sure one of them was jūra y/n's ikran. 'Surely not she's still recovering' I thought to myself, but it wouldn't hurt to check.

I headed downwards only to find it was in fact y/n and surprisingly Aewtney flying together. 'That's weird she hates' Aewtney i remember her telling me when she was training me that he's always in her business. I better go check if she's ok.

I swooped down right in front of them causing them to stop "y/n your out" "well yeah" she said gesturing to herself causing me to chuckle. "Aewtney what are you doing here?" I asked "just checking in" "hm" I nodded and looked at y/n as she practically bulged her eyes at me trying to tell me he was annoying her.

I had to think fast "uh y/n will you come help me with something please" "yeah sure bye Aewtney" she said speeding of next to me. "Thankyou he is so annoying" "I could tell" "always asking questions" she muttered "I know how you feel, you should see him when I'm training him" I joked causing her to smile. "How come you didn't tell me you were better?" I asked "I couldn't find you" "sureee" I joked "what" she said smiling "trying to avoid me are you?" "Obviously" she said sarcastically.
Y/n's POV
"Well shame you can't avoid me, I'm your leader" he said to me "uhhh here we go again 'I'm Jake sully I'm Turuk Makto blah blah blah" I joked imitating his accent "I do not do that" he said laughing "hmm" I said looking away to hide my laughter "seriously I don't" he said getting defensive "calm down it was a joke" I said laughing "have you heard about this thing tonight?" He asked clueless "you mean the hunt festival?" "Yes that, what is it?" "I thought you were my leader you know everything" "shut up" I laughed before saying "the hunt festival happens once a year it represents The Great Hunt for the Omaticaya Clan we have a festival before it starts and one for when it ends" "and what do you do at these festivals?" "Sing,dance, dress up, drink...." "Ok I get it now, so it's a party?" "Party?" I asked clueless "yeah you know a party" "I think you are forgetting you used to be a human, I do not know of any party" I said laughing "so will I see you there?" He asked "of corse my mother will force me to go" "see you then" he said turning the other way before flying off.
The festival had started and it was filled with my fellow navi dancing and singing and some brave souls drinking cava. I was stuck next to Aewtney and he was practically talking my ear off, telling me all about the history of the great hunt as I scanned the room for someone more interesting to talk to, I saw my friend Keaw and excused myself before speedily heading over. "Y/n" she slured placing her arm over my shoulder as the strong stench of her cava breath hit my face "Keaw have you been drinking?" I asked removing her arm off me "of corse it's a festival!" She said holding her hands up in the air "you must try come on" she said grabbing my wrist and dragging me with her. She took me over to a small circle of navi sitting near the fire, I was familiar with some of them as they greeted me when I walked over "let her try some" Keaw shouted at her friend snatching the bowl of her "try" she said putting it up to my mouth. I took a big swig before narrowing my eyebrows at the hot burn as it went down my throat causing them to laugh "this stuff will have you knocked out for weeks!" One of her friends said laughing I faked a laugh before excusing myself wanting to get away from there drunk antics. "Mother where is Jake" I said walking up to her "it's Turuk Makto to you" she scolded at me "sorry where is Turuk Makto" I said sarcastically "you watch your attitude when you speak about our leader" "sorry mother" I said scanning around for him. "Have you been drinking?" She asked looking at me "no, found him bye" I said before rushing off. I found him sitting by the fire with Aewtney, poor thing. "Jake" I said walking up to him "y/n" he said as I looked down to see a bowl of cava in his hands "have you tried this stuff?" He asked pointing to the bowl as I sat down next to him "yes it's horrible" "it gets better the more you drink" Aewtney said butting into our conversation "try" he said pushing the bowl up to my face as I took another big swig.

Sooner or later me Jake and Aewtney had finished off the bowl together and were happily dancing round the fire having the time of our lives. Jake was teaching me some of the dance moves the sky people used and it had us both is hysterics. "More,more" Aewtney said as he came over to me with a new bowl of cava "no thanks" I said pushing it away "come onnn" he said pushing it up to me again "no really I'm fine" "just one more" he said putting it closer to my mouth only for Jake to push it away "she said no" he said to Aewtney "oh come on Jake don't be like that" he said offering Jake some cava "no" Jake said bluntly "come on both of you drink!" "We're fine" Jake said to him "what are you speaking for her aswell?" Aewtney said challenging him "she's already said no leave her alone" he said stepping infront of me "she can tell me that herself" he said trying to push past Jake to get to me "she said fucking no!" Jake shouted in his face "Jake I'm just offering the lady a drink" he said "it's Turuk Makto to you and she has said no multiple times so please leave her alone and go find someone else to bother" he said as Aewtney practically sped walk away.

Jake turned to me with a smirk on his face "well he got what was coming for him" I said "yep he defiantly did" he said as we both burst out laughing "I think it's time we head to bed" he said putting him arm over me "yep Aewtney has drained me" I joked as we both walked off laughing.

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