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Ever since the first war, the sky people never stopped returning. Even though we won there was still some idiots out there who could think they could get away with coming into our territory free of harm. They never made it to the ground as we were always ready and waiting for them to arrive, you would of think they got the message after the war but still so many of them try.
"Y/n" I heard a faint voice say to me while I was still half asleep "Y/n!" He then said shaking me awake "what!" I shouted back wanting him to leave me alone, if you hadn't guessed by now it was Jake Sully always awakening me from my peaceful dreams "the sky people there coming, come on get up" he said to me as I just about managed to open my eyes. I got up and threw on some clothes and headed of to get my Ikran jūra she was beautiful and one of the fastest. "Oel ngati kameie jūra" I said as I petted her head "no time for that come on" Jake said. "Okay listen to me!" He shouted to our warriors including me "there are 4 helicopters coming in, I will split us up into teams and each team will attack one helicopter!" He went on to putting everyone in teams "y/n with me" he said as he walked over and jumped on top of his ikran "great" I said to myself sarcastically "quit moaning let's go, mengati kame!" He shouted as he rode off with me following closely behind him "here!" He shouted pointing at the approaching helicopters "jake why is there six!" I shouted through the sky in shock after seeing more helicopters than we anticipated knowing we were outnumbered "fuck!" He shouted as they began shooting at us, I shot an arrow at one it going straight threw the glass into the pilots chest, jake shot his gun as the propellers on the top causing the helicopter to go crashing down and explode. 1 down 6 to go, Aewtney one of the leaders of the teams got a head shot into one of the pilots causing the helicopter to crash with then Eyrina one of our female leaders managed to take down 2 helicopters with her teams help, 4 down 2 more to go, the other warriors had started to head down to wear the explosions happened trying to salvage any weapons we could use as they were oblivious to the fact there were 6 helicopters instead of 4. "Okay you take one I'll take the other!" Jake shouted to me. I flew above the helicopter so they were unable to shoot at me from above figuring out what my next move would be. I just decided to go for it and descended down to the pilots eye view. I loaded up an arrow and pulled back trying to get the perfect aim until a sharp pain hit me in the thigh "fuck!" I shouted causing Jake to look back at me as he was shooting at an helicopter. I was hit, I watched at crimson red blood spewed from my leg causing me immense pain, anger filled my body as I pulled back and released hitting the pilot straight in the heart as the helicopter spiralled out of control before exploding as it hit the ground at the same time as jakes. 6 out of 6 "y/n!" Jake said flying over with a big smile on his face until he looked down at the blood now all over my poor ikran and on my leg "shit we need to get you to mo'at quick" he said flying next to me as we sped back.

We landed on the ground outside where our new home was, Jake jumped off his ikran and ran over to help me off. I hissed at the pain as Jake tried to get me off "come on I will get you help" he whispered to me taking me in his arms as he ran to my mother. "Oh great mother what has happened?" My mother asked rushing over "she got shot" Jake said putting me on the ground "wait here I need to get my things" mo'at said hurrying off. I hissed at the pressure Jake put on my leg as he placed a damp cloth over the wound "relax, we have to stop the bleeding" "Ewya Txum san me" I prayed as the pain got worse. "Ok carry on putting pressure on" my mother said to Jake as he pressed down harder causing me to hiss at him "I know I'm sorry" he said grabbing my hand "I'm going to remove the bullet" my mother said before covering my leg in some sort of liquid before sticking in a scalpel looking thing causing me to scream out in pain. It was like this for at least 10 minuets as my mother struggled to locate the bullet "I know, I know, just relax y/n,Tsun" Jake said now blotting my sweaty forehead. Soon enough my vision was going blurry "y/n" Jake snapped his fingers in front of my face trying to pull me back to reality, but it was to late as I had already passed out from the pain.


I awoke a couple of hours later to find myself lying near a fire with a sheet over me I went to sit myself up and screamed as I got a flash of pain in my leg as the memories came flooding back to me "yeah that's gonna hurt for a while" Jake said walking over to me, I removed the sheet to see my leg covered in bandages and my hands still stained red from all the blood. "You scared me there, passing out on me like that" he said sitting down next to me "not like you care" I said back looking away from his now narrowed eyebrows as I tried to pick myself up. I groaned in pain as I tried lifting myself up "I told you it's gonna hurt" "shut it skxawng" I said trying again "come on" he said giving in and helping me up "thanks" I said looking down at my hands "you need to clean them come on" he said picking me up "I can walk" I said to him as he carried me in his strong arms "no you can't" "I'm sure I can" "just accept some help for once" he said shutting me up.

He placed me down on a rock near the stream so that I could dip my hands in the water. Jake lent on a tree behind and waited until I was done "why you?" I asked him breaking the silence "sorry?" He asked confused as he twisted his knife in his hands "why are you helping me?" "I don't know" "did my mother ask you to?" "No she wanted to look after you, but I said I would as she had to treat the other warriors" "hmm" I said "how is it feeling now?" He said coming over to help me up again "painful" "your mother said the pain will last for a couple of days and then start to fade" "better happen quick" "I understand what your mother ment when she told me you were a real pain in the ass to take care off" he said letting out a laugh. I laughed as he carried me back home, falling asleep in his arms. "Don't fall asleep princess I'm not tucking you in" he whispered to me "I told you not to call me that" "I'll call you what I want" "skxawng."

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