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"the sky people are here" Jake announced to the clan, it was morning and we had spent the night preparing for there attack, they would never leave us alone and we knew that. But I would rather spend my life fighting than giving up my beautiful home, they took my old home and my father from me I won't let them take anymore.

"Are you sure you want to come today?" Jake asked as he came over to me "of corse I am" "just be careful" "I'm always careful" "last time you got shot, I'm not letting it happen again" "people make mistakes" "ready then?" "hope so"

We took of on our ikrans the usual crew with us, Aewtney tried speaking to me but I simply looked away not wanting to engage in his conversation "you three take the far side, we will take this one!" Jake ordered. The night before we had planned two groups one with me, Jake and Aewtney, don't get me wrong I hate Aewtney but in battle that dosent matter he is a strong fighter and I will give him that. I took first hit getting and arrow through the left window and hitting one solider in the side of the head killing him clean. I then decided to go above as we had come up with a new strategy to use rope and attach it in the propellors of  the helicopter to tangle it and hopefully leave them crashing down. Me and Jake went high leaving Aewtney low like we had planned "catch!" Jake yelled as me as we circled the top of the helicopter wrapping it in rope, and our plan worked well leaving the helicopter to go crashing the other team was also successful on both there helicopters "well that was easy" I joked "don't jinx it princess" "where's Aewtney?" I asked not being able to see him, we searched the sky only to hear an ikrans cry from down below "shit down there" Jake pointed as we both dived down.

"Aewtney!" We shouted pushing branches out the way, we heard a raspy "here" and ran towards it only to find him flat on his back with blood coming from his mouth "oh great mother" I said looking up as I knelt beside him "I've been hit" he screeched out and it was true I looked down to see three bullet holes spread across his chest, I paused calculating the situation he has been shot 3 times in the chest already bad as is it but he also dropped at least 50 feet from the sky he was lucky he was still alive the foliage from the trees must have somewhat cushioned his fall. Knowing how little chance he had I must still help him "Jake apply pressure here" "y/n" he warned "just fucking do it" he followed my orders as Aewtney coughed up blood "quick turn his head to the side so he dosent choke" "y/n this is bad" "Jake we have to try" I said putting pressure on the wounds "we need to get him to your mother" "we can get him on the ikran" "he is to weak to fly" "we have nothing to loose if he stays here he will die" "ok help me lift him" we managed to lift him onto my ikran "ok we must be quick" I said getting on behind him supporting his weight.

After what felt like the longest journey we arrived back "help!" I yelled as I we landed and everyone jumped up in shock "my son,my son!" Aewtneys father screamed "can you save him?" I asked my mother "I can try" she said assessing the wounds. "Is there anything we can do?" Jake asked out of breath "no leave it to me" "very well come on y/n let's go wash" jake said grabbing my hand "my son!" Aewtneys father cried knelt next to his son "I'm so sorry" "y/n leave it for now" jake said as he dragged me along.

We sat in silence washing Aewtneys blood of ourselves and jake got out before me to just simply sit and watch "what are you looking at?" "You" "hmm" "there's still some" "what?" "There's still some blood on you" "well don't just sit there get it off" he smiled and got back in cupping some water in his hands and running it down my shoulder and gently scrubbing it away "thankyou jake" "your very welcome" he said smugly "oh jake there's still some on you" "where?" I splashed water all over him "right there" I said pointing at his now drenched face, he splashed me back ten times as hard, I looked at him annoyed "there was still some on you" he shrugged smiling, I splashed him back, he splashed me back and it went in and on until we were in a full blown water fight "alright, alright that's enough" I said surrendering "you started it" "and now I'm ending it" "I'm soaked" "really I couldn't tell" "don't be sarcastic with me princess" he said laughing as he picked me up getting ready to throw me in as I screamed "Jake no!" I said wrapping my arms round his shoulders, "get off" he said trying to pull my arms away "if I go in your coming in with me" "ok" he said as he jumped in both of us submerging underwater "you skxawng" I said as we both laughed uncontrollably "now come on we best go back" he said reaching out a hand to me on the side of the bank "thankyou" I said taking it before pulling him in and me getting out. I stood there laughing at my trick for a good two minuets before he said "that's why I'm never nice to you" "aw is Jake upset?" I asked with a fake sad face "shut up" he said playfully pushing me away.
"How is he?" I asked ninat as we arrived back home "not in good shape" "but he will be ok?" "Hopefully" "you two!" Aewtneys father said looking over at me and Jake "how could you let this happen" "sorry?" I asked confused "my son! Is dying because of you two" before I could reply Jake butted in saying "Sir I know your very upset right now but we did not force him to fight" "it's all because of you!" He shouted pointing at me "because of you he fought to try and impress you" he said getting closer to me "I...i" I was in shock I had lost all my words "that's enough!" Jake shouted placing a hand in between us as then leaving it on my stomach as he pushed me backwards gently before standing infront of me. "I am your Turuk Makto and the clan leader and she is the daughter of your late leader of this clan I will not hear you speak like that towards her, she deserves your respect!" Jake shouted at him and his head lowered "I am sorry Turuk Makto i am just overwhelmed, and sorry y/n" "yes I know it's hard but your son is strong he will pull through" "Thankyou sir" he said as he stepped back.

"You didn't have to do that" "do what?" "Stick up for me" "yes I do I'm your leader" "alright don't rub it in" I joked.

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