2 - Who's Ready for Tomorrow

534 14 2

"..." : Speech

'...' : Thoughts

(...) : Translation

<[***]> :Scene Change


Y/n got off his bike which he had parked in his own private spot in his building in Japantown. Moving out of Haywood had been expensive but considering the bad memories they both had there it had been worth it. Plus lately their finances were good, so the rent wasn't a worry anymore. He got out the elevator on the seventh floor turning right and making a beeline to the door at the end of the corridor. The door slid open, and he walked in.

The apartment was fairly small, it had a small bed a bathroom which didn't really have a door but just a curtain of beads which was cause of a couple of awkward moments. There was a corner with a sofa under what looked like a small shrine to samurai, with some of their merch a record and posters on the wall. Y/n remembered his conversation with Claire, somewhat embarrassed now. To his right was a small walk in closet and next to it a small armoury. It was small but it had all the essentials. The best part in his opinion was the view. He walked up to the window and checked out Night City filled with natural light. A sight to behold but one he didn't find as captivating. In his mind, this wasn't Night City. Night City was darkness, adrenaline pumping through your veins as you put your life on the edge. A place where you fought the corrupt. Not a place to calmly walk out in broad daylight to make it to your next business meeting. He grabbed his cigarette pack, from the window and pocketed it, knowing he would need it later today. He then entered the armoury, looking around for the vest. He found it under the table, scarily close to a box he had been hiding from Axel.

He picked both up, putting them on the table. The vest was a light Arasaka vest with the logo meticulously painted over to renounce its allegiance to the company. Y/n opened the box, revealing a brand new M-76e Omaha pistol, custom painted red with a flame on the handle. Referencing Axel's calling icon. It was an incredibly powerful variant he had spent a lot of money on for his little brother. Not only did it have a charging shot feature, but it also fired an entire extra round per shot with a burning effect. He cocked the gun, somewhat jealous that he didn't get one.

He hid it next to his own iron before grabbing the vest and heading back to his bike. A single thought lingered in his head just hours prior at receiving what was probably going to be the biggest job of his life so far.

'Where should I go to eat?'


Like a red dash, Y/n passed by the cars in the busy streets of Night City towards the Afterlife. It was nearing 22:00 and Axel had texted him saying he was on his way to the club as well. Y/n took a turn into the alley to the Afterlife, drifting to stop abruptly turning heads and causing some gasps. He looked around, not seeing Axel anywhere. So, he decided to lift the handle of himself, he pulled a cigarette and lit it up. Taking a deep puff, making him cough. He wasn't really a smoker, but he knew something about Magnus, and he was going to use it to have the meeting go his way.

Axel walked into the alley, wiping his lip on his sleeve. He quickly spotted Y/n who was taking a selfie with a group of girls. How he didn't get tired of all the attention was a mystery to him. Once he reached him, Y/n said goodbye to the girls who waved him off, blowing him a kiss while giggling like schoolgirls. Axel looked away as Y/n holstered his own pistol and got off his ride.

He walked up to Axel with his vest throwing it at him. He was quick to catch it and put it on and face the club, but it was too late. Y/n grabbed him by the shoulder and forcefully turned him. Axel's lip was cut, and he had a bruise on his cheekbone. Y/n was deadly cold as he asked.

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