3 - Dirty Roses

289 9 0

"..." : Speech

'...' : Thoughts

(...) : Translation

<[***]> :Scene Change


"Maybe we shouldn't do it."

It felt like a cold bucket of water was dropped on him. Y/n however kept his cool. Showing his little brother, he was nervous would only serve to make him even more nervous. Instead, he stayed laying down and with a nonchalant expression looked at Axel, questioning him.

"What's gotten into you?"

"I don't know. I'm not getting good signals from this job, it's all too shady."

"What are you talking about?"

"There is something weird about it. Who steals something they don't know what is?"

"Us clearly."

"Then we are stupid."

"No, we are taking risks. Necessary risks with Magnus on our side. This guy isn't going to get himself into something he can't handle."

"I don't know. Its shady, especially who the client is."

Y/n sighed as he sat back up. He thought about it for a minute before finally answering.

"Tell you what. Tomorrow I'll meet with that Arisu woman. I'll get a feeling of who we are dealing with. And if it's something we can't handle, we won't do the gig. Sounds good?"

"Sounds smarter."

Y/n stood up and walked to the couch. Grabbing his axe of the wall and sitting down with it. He began strumming the cords in no particular order, warming up his fingers. He then got ready began playing a tune. Axel turned around as Y/n paused before repeating.

"Black Dog?"

"Oh yeah."

"Thought you said that one was the easiest. Can't do any other one."

Y/n gave him a look and began playing archangel as if it were no big deal. Strumming away while making eye contact with Axel. He hit a final set of cords, letting the sound reverb, and grinning smugly at his brother.

"Show off."

"Why don't you do so?"

Axel seemed to think about it before conceding.

"Fine, but you laugh once, and I'll smash it over your head."

"Me!? I would never."

This marked the beginning of a fun rest of the night. Where Y/n taught Axel some more cords as he did in fact laugh at his inexperience. Axel kept his promise, to an extent at least, when he smashed a pillow in Y/n's face. Starting a war from which, the neighbours would not be spared of hearing. The wrestled in the ground and threw stuff at each other. From the pillows which started the conflict to drink cans, tablets and at one point one of Axel's knives. Which made Y/n sweat drop before tackling his brother again and locking him in a headlock. From which he only got out of by digging his chin into his arm and pulling his hair.

After what seemed like an hour and several ignored knocks at the door and yelling neighbours in the corridors. Both brothers were exhausted as they each held a tattered pillow. They both yelled as they rushed each other swinging their pillows at full force. The landed their hits dead on their marks, bashing each other's faces in and finally collapsing while panting to the ground. Both of them focused on regaining their strength for a minute or so before they began to snicker, then chuckle and finally laugh, doing so madly.

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