6 - Kill the Messenger

206 11 1

"..." : Speech
'...' : Thoughts
(...) : Translation
<[***]> :Scene Change


Act 2: Most Wanted


Year: 2071
Date: 2nd September
Hour: 12:47
Location: Columbarium

"Good Afternoon, Night City!! We've got some special news for all you chooms looking to make a quick buck of a gig so stay tuned! Two days ago, we reached a new record with a whopping body count of 41! All thanks to Y/n the Flatliner! Single-handedly taking down 26 Militech security and robbing Arasaka in the process! The NCPD have deemed him a most wanted! Not only that but when you fuck with a corp you are bound to get fucked back, Arasaka has placed a 1 million Eddies bounty on his head! So load your guns and sharpen your blades chooms! Because it's now open season and only one can take the price! This has been your man, Stan. Join me in another day in our City of Dreams. Happy hunting!"

Y/n couldn't help but hear the bus's radio as he got off on the station at the Columbarium. He kept his head down to avoid making eye contact with anyone while wearing a new black hoodie under his jacket to hide his face and his chrome arm.

He walked with his head hanging low and his hands in his pocket slowly towards the columbarium. A backpack hanging from one of his shoulders as he didn't bother to put it over both his arms. Walking up the stairs he finally reaches the deeper part of the columbarium, reserved to know legends of Night City and a spot hell of a lot more expensive to get a slot in. It didn't matter.

Y/n waved his hand in front of a slot and watched as his Eddies vanished into the machine, which opened like a drawer. He reached for his pack and pulled out Axel's bulletproof vest. He carefully placed it in and reached once more into the bag, this time grabbing a few of his throwing daggers and leaving them on top of the vest.

He looked down at it, they were all still covered with his blood. It hadn't been easy to find where his brother's body was being kept but once he knew, breaking in and retrieving his ashes and belongings was child's play.

He reached into the bag one last time and brought out his custom iron. He looked at it, tears threatening to stream down his face to which he answered by rubbing his eyes. They were red and had bags under them. After waking up he hadn't been able to sleep at all, memories from what had happened flooded his mind whenever he tried. He reached down to put the gun a way, but before he did a single thought crossed through his mind one that made him pull the gun away and store it behind him.

He waved his hand in front of the slot once more and it closed, sealing Axel's belongings away. Y/n paused as he looked at the nameless grave. Thinking to himself what to write on it. He finally sighed as the words came naturally to him.

"Axel Flatliner. Brother, pride, and joy. A true NC legend who went out in a Blaze."

Those exact words appeared typed as a hologram over Axel's grave along with his Fire icon. Seeing it still felt unreal, no matter how clear it was that his brother was gone a part of him still didn't accept it. He stood in front of the grave for a minute in utter silence before planting his fist on it and whispering.

"Keep watching little bro. Everything from here on is a tribute to you."

He turned his back on Axel and with that single thought marched out of the columbarium. Revenge was due.


"Hidden under the roundabout in Kabuki there is an underground base of operations the Tyger Claws use as a hideout. They use it as a hiding spot after gigs as well as an armoury, needless to say it is a fucking fort. Its hidden entrances are all marked by a pair of Koi fish, one red one blue, but you will notice them by the chooms guarding the entrance. If they sound the alarm, you will miss your target. Here is an image of the closest entrance."

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