7 - Night City Aliens

233 13 1

"..." : Speech
'...' : Thoughts
(...) : Translation
<[***]> :Scene Change


Y/n had trouble breathing. He felt weak at the knees and ready to faint. His hands shook aggressively as he was overwhelmed by feelings of horror, incompetence, and most importantly guilt.

Flatlining someone was quite frankly in his work description. It didn't matter the person or the reason. It was a job, and it's how mercs made their living. Yua was personal. Yua was helpless. And her death had been savage. It hadn't helped his path of revenge in the least either. She had truly not known anything about Magnus' whereabouts.

Y/n thought about all this as he leaned against the door of his apartment, horrified at his actions as well as the slight feeling of righteous joy he felt from ending Yua. This frightened him, making him question his very own values.

The door slid open, and a large gust of vapor exited. He slammed his back against the wall by the door, reaching for his iron and focusing on the unknown threat which could be hiding in the apartment. Had he been made?

Y/n peaked before walking in with his piece at the ready. The house seemed almost exactly the same as before. A few of his albums had been moved and there were clothes on the ground. Other than that, nothing had been moved. He quickly noticed the vapor came from the bathroom. He took a few steps towards the entrance before the woman he and Axel had taken from Arasaka exited the shower and walked nonchalantly into the living room.

She barely noticed the gun aimed at her skull, while he quickly noticed her nude and curvy figure standing carefree while eyeing him.

"Are you going to shoot?"


"I said, are you going to shoot?"

He looked at her confused not moving the gun away. She sighed before adding.

"Look if you aren't going to shoot me then can you just put the thing away? I'm not exactly fond of being aimed at."

Y/n slowly lowered his gun, still keeping his eyes on her every movement. She squatted hugging her knees and began going through the clothes on the ground.

"So, I assume you are Y/n. The one who kleped me from Arasaka."

Y/n stared at her, now more confused than concerned.

"Hellooo? Can you speak?"

Y/n finally came to his senses and asking.

"What the fuck are you doing?"

"Showering, getting dressed going out for some food."

Y/n deadpanned at the answer. She had said it as if it were something obvious, ignoring the fact she was being searched by about every major Corporation in Night City. She grabbed a shirt and threw it over her shoulder after finally selecting the clothes she liked the most. She was clearly frustrated when Y/n snatched it from her.

She stood up abruptly, making her earrings bounce amongst other things.

"What's your deal?!"

"Don't touch these! They are... They are my brother's..."

She calmed down and seemed to think about what that implied before answering.

"OH, right. Should I wait and ask him for permission?"

Like salt on a wound. The comment hit Y/n like a bullet. His breath was shacky momentarily before he gained his composure and walked past her to the closet where he tossed her a few of his older clothes.

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