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Belos was looking at his neck in a mirror. He accidentally left the door open...
"Uncle?" Hunter stood in the doorway.
"Sorry- I didn't want you to see that."
"See what?"
"Nothing, don't worry about it," he forgot to put his hood and mask back on while he lead Hunter to a different area.
"What happened to your neck?"
Oh shit what do I tell him? Belos internally panicked.
"Never mind," Hunter said, " about proposing in that purple forest?"
"Yeah, that sounds like a good idea."
"I got their ring size while sleeping. Do you wanna go buy a ring?" Hunter looked up at his uncle.
"Yes, but you have to get it for me, I don't want to be seen."
"Fair enough."

Hunter arrived at the jewelry store.
"Hi, I'd like this one, please." He pointed to a ring with (favorite gemstone) on it.
"Golden Guard? Why are you here?" Kikimora asked sarcastically. She was running the stand.
"Hi, Kikimora."
"I got a second job here, today is my first day! Such a coincidence you showed up to buy       Y/N's ring."
"Yeah." Kikimora took the ring out of the glass case and put it in a little velvet box.
"I hope they say yes!" Kikimora said.

Hunter teleported back to the castle. "UNCLE!"
"Hunter! Let me see!" Hunter showed Belos the ring. "Wow, it's perfect!"
"Yeah! I can't wait for you to propose to them!"
"Me either."

He went back to his room. He hid the box and sat next to Y/N on the bed.
"Hello, dear."
"Hi." Y/N kissed him.
"I have a pleasant surprise for you tomorrow at sunset. Meet me in the forest."
"The one we went to on our first date?"
Y/N was staring at his neck.
"That looks pretty bad, do you want me to help you get rid of them? I need a whisk."

After that, Y/N drifted off to sleep. Belos was so excited he couldn't sleep for a while.
Y/N woke up to a text.
Luz: hello! Just checking in, I wanted to say hi.
Y/N: hey! I'm alright! Thanks for asking hbu?
Luz: fine and dandy! Anyway I gotta sleep. Have a good night!
Y/N turned off their phone and fell asleep.


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