Chapter 12

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Sonic’s pov:

After we dropped Tails off to his place, Shadow and I took to the skies to enjoy our super forms for a bit before going off to bed. 

“Woo-Hoo!” I cheer as I do different kinds of stunts and flips in the sky. Shadow watches with a small smile on his edgy face. I have to be honest, the smile looks good on him. 

Just then I feel my super form fade and I look at Shadow with wild eyes. He lunges for me and catches me quickly. 

“Careful babe, we should get home.” He says as he flies us home, just then his super form fades too and we start to fall for what feels like eternity. I close my eyes tight and start yelling but then it feels like we aren’t falling anymore. I open my eyes and look down at Shadow’s rocket shoes then look back up at him and his smirk. “Forget I have rocket shoes that fast?”

He chuckles and I pout as he flies us home. Once home we just sit on the couch and watch lame movies. 

I hear loud angry snores next to me and see that Shadow’s fallen asleep, what a party pooper! I pick him up and put him in bed, then I lie down with him and we fall asleep. Waiting for our next adventures. 


(Sorry it's short, I hope you liked it though)

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