🚨Makima x Male Reader🚨

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(Gonna make Makima an FIB agent to make things easier for me)

Y/N is a drug dealer who sells coke to make a living. He's made a good amount of money to be living comfortably. He's gotten the attention of both dealers and law enforcement. Today he was contacted by someone who called themselves Charlie and was asking for a lot of coke.

Y/N: Well today seems like I'm gonna make a lot of money!

You stuff 7 bags of coke in your duffel bag and drive off to the agreed alleyway. You drove down the sketchy part of town and down the streets until you saw the contact. You stepped out of the car and left it running just in case.

Y/N: Hey are you Charlie?

Charlie: Yup that's me! Haha you got the coke?

Y/N: Yeah it's right he-

Charlie: You have it right? I'm just making sure you have it.

Y/N: Umm yeah it's right here relax.,

Charlie: Oh ok y'know I just wanna know if you have it is all! 

You suddenly started to get a bad feeling and backed up.

Y/N: You're acting a bit strange dude. I'm gonna head off now.

That's when the contact pulled out a badge and handgun.

Charlie: Police! On the ground!

Y/N: Oh crap!

You didn't have and weapons and dove for your car. You got in the driver seat and lowered your head to avoid getting hit. The car reversed as Charlie ran towards your car.

Charlie: Requesting backup immediatley!

The backed out onto the street again and he was catching up to you. He the aimed his pistol to the driver window. 

Charlie: Get out of the car Y/N! You're under arrest!

That phrase got the attention of multiple dudes around the area. 

Gangster 1: Ayo it's Five-O!

Gangster 2: Cap his ass!

They started firing on the undercover cop and this bought you time to escape. You peeled out of there and all the way home. When you got home you got locked the door and closed the curtains. 

Y/N: I better lay low for a couple of weeks.

The afternoon went by smoothly but the thought of the police coming to your home was haunting your mind. That was when your phone rang. The caller ID said Unknown Number which gave you a bad feeling. You answered it nervously and heard a women's voice on the other end.

Y/N: Hello?

???: y/n l/n...

Y/N: Yeah who's this?

???: You tried to offload some coke off of a colleague of mine. Costly mistake.

Y/N: Who the fuck is this?

???: Agent Makima - FIB. I'd like you to come in for a talk with me. Things might be easier for you if you're cooperative with me.

Y/N: Fuck you, Fed. This conversation is over. If you got any evidence on me, get a warrant.

You swiftly hung up the phone and had to process what was happening. If they could track down your cell phone they could most likely find out where you lived. You pack everything you needed and stuffed it your car. You got in and drove off to stay at a motel.

Y/N: Just until this all dies down...

You made it to the motel and unpacked what little stuff you took. You looked the out window just in case to make sure he wasn't followed. When the coast was clear this made you relieved.

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