♡ Bruises to your Beauty Pt. 2

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⚠️ Same tws as before ⚠️

Who knows how long until they woke up. Scully stood with her arms behind her back around a light pole, tied up tightly.

She quickly noticed Mulder in front of her, on his knees, on the asphalt. his arms tied behind his back. We're still in the alleyway..in some alleyway.

"Mulder?" Her voice came out less quiet than she had hoped.

"S-Scully I don't feel good.." He responded, almost muffled, his head still hanging down to his chest, appearing unconscious.

"Mulder, why do you have your head like that?" She asks, concerned.

"I can't move. I don't know why. My neck hurts, but I can't move it. Scully, I feel nauseous." He replied once again, sounding muffled this time, a more fearful tone in his voice.

Her eyes widened in shock as she gasped, and the people in dark clothes came up behind and beside them again out of nowhere.

She fought not to speak. This was a time to be careful with her use of words.

"What did you do..to my partner?"
She hesitantly asked, assertive but carefully calm.

"Don't worry about that, Miss." A tall man hissed directly behind Mulder. He grabbed a handful of Fox's hair and lifted his head, making Mulder groan uncomfortably.

"Hey!" She snapped but quickly realized that was a mistake.

The man held tighter to Mulders hair, "Ah!" Mulder exclaimed, scrunching his face for a moment. "I said don't worry, now you're going to answer some questions and if not.."

The man started to talk, pausing for another gang member to crouch next to Mulder, injecting his upper arm with a green liquid.

"Ow!" Mulder winced.

"Okay, okay, I'll answer your questions." Scully jolted to agree in fear that they would hurt him worse.

"Good." A female spoke walking in front of Scully from behind. "Where is Henry?"

Henry.. Henry? The escapee!
Henry Fosher.

"He's with family, his grandparents."
Scully thought then answered vaguely.

The lady grunted and swiftly low kicked Mulder in the stomach, which made him let out a strained yell through his teeth.

"Where?! Exactly!"
The woman shouted in Dana's face.

"Fairfax! A small neighborhood in Fairfax." Scully winced and looked away from Mulder, whose head was let go of, hanging there making sounds of discomfort every few seconds.

"Address?" The Man behind Mulder asked sharply.

"I-I don't know exactly." Dana said, fearing the next few moments that follow.

Another guy who stood behind Scully grabbed her face and made her look at Mulder just as the lady kicked the agents' face sharply.

"AAH!Ah!" Fox's scream quickly turned to a whimper as the man held his head up by his hair once again exposing his face to Scully. Bright crimson and bruises scattered across his features.

"Stop, please! We don't have all the answers you need!" Fox cried with his eyes squeezed shut in pain, making Scully even more protective.

"How dare you!" Scully yelled painfully.

The lady shook her head with a frown plastered on her features.

"I swear when they find us, they will lock you up for good! You are assaulting federal officers here!"
Scully shouted.

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