☆ Dreamless Pt. 1

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⚠️ Ptsd, Flashbacks, Self harming actions, Forced restraint, Detailed Gore ⚠️

Dark, cold, and all alone. That's where Mulder was. Fox was only in his head, though, but he couldn't tell the difference. From reality, from the trauma he experienced.

His abduction left him with scars he didn't know he had, memories he hadn't unlocked and pain he didn't finished enduring.

"Hello?" Fox spoke out into the dark hollowness of this place. "Hello?!" He tried again, belting out frustrations.

How did I get here? Where is here..

"Can anyone hear me?!" He continued, running now. All he could feel was the cold. His bare feet ran far away but nowhere at all.

Suddenly, a large contraption, made of stone, grabbed hold of him. Locking him in. "Help!" Mulder screamed, struggling to get out.

Scully woke up earlier than usual.
What time is it? 4:30am. Aw jeez, why am I up this early..

A feeling arose in her, a gut-wrenching feeling that her partner, Fox Mulder, was in grave danger.
She didn't stay to wonder why she felt this way.

She just got up and dressed quickly, running out the door and to her car.
Driving to his apartment building.

As Scully arrived at the door, about to knock, she heard screams. Mulder's screams.

She kicked the door out of its hinges, her gun out and ready immediately.
"Mulder?" She asked the panic in her only raising as fault for the lack of an answer.

"AAh! Help! Help me!!" Mulder called out again. Scully ran to his bedroom but put away her gun as soon as she realized. He's just in bed, he's just having a nightmare.

She sighed with relief but went to help him, sitting beside the bed. Calm and untreating she tried to wake him up. "Mulder, you're dreaming it's not real." She held his shoulder as sweat dripped from his forehead.

He felt something on him but he couldn't tell what it was, static screeching sounds surrounded him.

He went quiet, the odd sounds following behind. "Scully?" His words shook with anxiety.

Scully heard him as he said her name and proceeded to gently shake his arm, "Wake up."

His eyes opened wide in an instant, breathing heavy and looking frightened. "Get away from me!" He yelled.

Scully was startled by him shouting at her as she stood up, "Mulder, it's me. You had a nightmare. Are you alright?" She comforted. Reaching to help him up.

"Get away! You sicko! Don't touch me!" Fox continued to jolt and act alarmed. He saw an alien in Scully's place, he didn't see her, he didn't even see his room. He was still in the dark.
He was still dreaming.

He got up aggressively and held Scully to the wall. "Mulder stop!" She now shouted in his face.

He didn't stop, he saw an alien. He thought he was protecting himself.
He held the alien by its neck as it continued resisting, pushing back his arms weakly.

The phone rang beneath them, and Mulder jumped back onto the bed.

The static got louder, everywhere around him. But the creature just stood there.

"Ehm Scully." She responded abruptly picking up her cellphone. "It's Skinner, can you two meet me down here?" Her supervisor stated impatiently.

"Um I'm kinda dealing with something here." Scully responded.

Before Mulder knew what was going on Scully told Skinner and he ordered an ambulance. Though they both seemed physically fine. Skinner was protective of her unborn baby.

"Stop it! Let go! LET ME GO!" Fox screeched at the dozens of aliens, they put him back in the contraption.

Dana just stood there watching Mulder as they strapped him in. He screamed and cried kicking the air like he was having fit.

"Why is he acting like this? I thought you said he had a nightmare and attacked you." A.D. Skinner asked towards Scully.

"I don't know.. And I said he must've thought I was someone else, not that he attacked me." She replied, still staring at the ambulance as it drove away.

Skinner and Scully got in the same car and went to the hospital.

Mulder woke up, at first panicked but soon he realized he was in a regular hospital room. No aliens in sight.

"Scully?" His voice came out raspy and alert. "Mulder. Do you remember what happened?" Scully asked as she came through the doorway.

"Aliens..they had me. They were going to do tests, Scully. How did I get here?"
He tried to lift his arm, "What..? Why am I strapped in?!" He abruptly freaked out not giving Dana the chance to explain.

"Mulder! Mulder you are okay! You had a nightmare that ended up turning into some kind of sleep aggression." Scully tried to tell him, tried to get his attention.

"Scully get me out." He looked up at her with pleading eyes.
"I-I can't. I'm sorry Mulder, it's not my choice." She replied.

A nurse walked in with a needle ready to sedate him. He started wrestling with the straps again, "No! I'm fine! I'm fine!!" He screamed.

"Nurse he just needs a minute to adjust, don't-" Scully started but the nurse had just ingected it anyway.

"Stop..don't do this.." Mulder mumbled as he dosed off.

He slept peacefully for awhile, around three hours, until he started seeing things again. Things that weren't really there.

Back in the contraption, back in the dark. The shape-shifting aliens appeared everywhere around him. He couldn't move any more than a few centimeters, the skin on his limps slightly stretched by metal rods.

"Help!!" He shouted into the buzzing silence. "Get me out of here!"

"Mulder?" Scully thought aloud, hearing something down the hall of the hospital. She ran into his room immediately.

"Mulder!" She tried again. He heard her though, he heard something and shot awake. At least he looked awake.

"Don't you dare!" He screamed, she fought through the discomfort of her partner being aggressive directly at her. She ignored it the best she could.

"NURSE! SKINNER!" Dana belted out the open door. Skinner who came from the waiting room ran through, a nurse following close behind.

"Stop it! STOP!" Fox screamed in fear, looking directly at his arm now.

They all looked around in confusion.
"What do we do?" Scully asked in a low voice.

Mulder saw the creatures, they had blades of some sort, about to cut into him. He tried to fight against them but they slid the metal down his arm, leaving a trail of red, instantly pooling up and dripping down his bare skin.

But Scully saw this too, so did the Assistant Director and so did the nurse. Not a knife in sight as a sharp line appeared on Mulder's shoulder down to his wrist.

"Oh my god." Skinner exclaimed. Wide eyeing his agents arm.

Fox screamed in agony throwing his head against the pillow. Blood drenching the bed he was on.

"Mulder wake up!!" Scully instantly shouted out, shaking his shoulders. "Wake up Dammit!" She persisted angrily.

She wasn't mad at Mulder, she was mad at what was happening to him. She was mad she couldn't stop it.

Just wake up.

for me.

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