1. She's back..

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Exiting the plane, my skin immediately melts at the blistering sunset that turns my skin gold.

I'll get a hell of a tan in Outer banks, that's for sure.

Coming back home for the holidays after studying in California is both exciting and emotional. The thought of seeing my friends again after 2 years is making me cry before I even see a familiar face.

With one hand on my luggage, I stroll out of the airport and my eyes wander immediately to the tropical scenery. 

I can't help but smile at how much I missed this feeling.

If you're wondering, I'm not a pogue. I think the 'studying in a different state' gives it away, but my parents live in figure eight. Nevertheless, I don't take things for granted, and I actually have a few friends that live in the cut. 

I've been waiting for 10 minutes now.

The last text message that I sent was to Sarah, saying "pick me up already" in which she replied with a smiley face.

I tap my foot impatiently on the pavement, looking for a blonde girl that I call my bestfriend. Sarah and I have always been close. 

We were inseparable. 

At least, until I went to a boarding school in Cali.

My thoughts were interrupted when suddenly, two hands grip onto me from behind, welcoming me into a warm and slightly sweaty hug. The smell of vanilla fills my nose, and I relax at the familiarity of the scent. 

This girl never changes and I love it. 

A smile curves onto my lips as I turn around to hug the sobbing state of Sarah Cameron.

I really am home.

"Stoppp, you're going to make me cry too" I whine, holding back the tears that so desperately want to fall. 

Sarah giggles and finally releases her grasp from me. I watch as she messily wipes the tears from her face and in doing so, smudges her mascara.

Even with black marks dripping down her face, she still looks perfect.

"I've missed you so much. 2 years was way too long. I seriously was going to die alone" she makes out through her hiccups.

I laugh at her exaggerated words before noticing the figure behind her. "Its nice to see you again...". 

I smile at the man and he returns it with a creased smile.

"You too y/n" Ward Cameron replies. "Let's get you home".

Ward takes the heavy luggage from my hands and I thank him. Sarah links her arms with mine as she skips towards the car. I grin at her childish behavior but go along with it. 

I get into the backseat of the car and my hands immediately reach for my phone, retrieving it from the pocket of my shorts before calling my mum. The phone rings for awhile before she picks up.

"Honey are you home?" An angelic voice speaks.

"Not yet, on my way though" I assure her.

My parents 'for some reason' couldn't pick me up. She insisted that the Cameron's drive me to the house. I don't think it's a secret that she's having a 'welcome home' party and probably invited the whole town.

"Alright. Let me know when you're home" she says, and I can't help but hear the sounds of muffled conversations in the background. I smile at her attempts to silence everyone so they don't ruin the surprise.

"Okay, love you" I say, hanging up the phone.

I take my eyes off the phone and take a moment to appreciate the view from the open window.

The golden sunset that you could stare at forever. The tall palm trees that dance in the wind. The salty smell of the nearby coast. It's like a wave of memories that I've been longing for. 

I was no longer homesick and I couldn't wait to see everyone.

It wasn't long before I arrived home. Partially because Sarah distracted me with all her questions about the last 2 years. But It's not like we haven't spoken over the phone while I was away.

I was immediately welcomed by my parents at the front door. 

I quickly ran towards them, crashing into their embrace as my eyes water at the comfort I felt in their hands. 

Even though I'm 16 now, I can't help but feel like a child.

They walk me inside to a decorated house. Everything was the same but different at the same time. 

We make our way into the extravagant living room and the tables were filled with more food than you could imagine. Suddenly, loud cheering abrupt and people began jumping out of their hiding spots. 

It was a beautiful party that my parents set up and I was right, the whole town was here.

I slowly make my way around the crowd and everyone asks me the same questions like "how was California?". Regardless of the recurring questions, I answer to their curiosity and make sure I've spoken to everyone.

Occasionally, I pour a bit of liquid courage into my glass, enjoying the afternoon.

I mainly speak to Sarah, Topper, and Kelce the whole night before I completely black out in my room.

Tomorrow, I had only two things in mind.

Attend the kegger at the boneyard and get insanely drunk.

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