22. Jealousy Jealousy

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I was peeking into the room when a tap on my shoulder made me flinch. I turn around quickly and realized that I was way too close to the person to the point where my face almost touched their chest so I back up a little.


I haven't seen Ben since the party. 

From what I could remember, we were playing beer pong when all of a sudden, Rafe sent punches towards the kook's face.

But he seemed to be okay now. A few wounds still needed healing but most of the bruising was gone.

"Ben!" I greet, slightly startled by his presence.

"Y/n" he grins.

"Oh um. I must be blocking your way...again". 

I quickly stepped to the side so Ben could enter the room.

"Do you want to come with?" He offered. 

I thought about it for a moment.

If Rafe really doesn't like Ben, 

then it would kill him to see me with the kook.

I'd like to think of it as revenge for the way he has been acting recently.

I nod my head at the offer and he opens the door. Ben gestures for me to enter first and so I walk into the dimly lit room as he follows closely behind. 

I could now get a full look at the situation. 

Rafe's "girl" was giving him hickeys on his neck. 


I can't help but feel jealous at the sight of her touching him.

I look away from the pair in disgust and notice how most of the people inside were high as fuck.

Also gross.

I snap out of my thoughts when Ben pulls me by my waist, guiding me over to the only empty seat left which just so happens to be next to a certain kook. Rafe notices us walk by and stops counting his money. He clenches his jaw and his grasp on the bills was ever so slightly tightening.


Ben offers me the seat but I shake my head, whispering into his ear. "Lets share".

He smirks at the suggestion and sits down on the couch before I get on his lap and lean into his chest. Ben rests his hand on my thigh and I notice the veins on Rafe's neck jump at the sight. 

"How much for a packet" Ben asks the kook. 

He pulls out a stack of cash from his pocket, ready to pay.

Although I didn't like the fact that people were snorting cocaine, I chose to ignore it since I had other motives.

Rafe's glare was piercing holes through me. He looked between Ben as he lets go of the paper in his hands, allowing it to drop onto the table infront of him.

"It'll be $200 for you" Rafe spits, eyeing Ben dangerously.

Ben chuckles, massaging the soft skin on my thigh which only made Rafe more irritated.

"You charged everyone else $50" Ben states.

"Yeah well I don't give a fuck" Rafe growls.  "Pay up or leave".

Ben chuckles at the hostility. 

"Here" he says, throwing 2 bills at the kook who picks it up and reluctantly hands over a tiny bag of cocaine.

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