29. I'm not mad

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Waking up in Rafe Cameron's arms was something i couldn't get enough of. He smelled absolutely delicious and the sound of his heartbeat was just so calming. I stared into his perfect resting face, admiring his features and wondering if i could touch those beautifully fluffy locks of dirty blonde hair.

"Are you done staring?" Rafe interrupts, opening his eyes to meet mine. My cheeks heat up at the fact that he caught me staring.

"I-i was just-"

He chuckles at my flustered state, rubbing his eyes and ruffling his bed hair.

Oh my... he's hot and he knows it.

Rafe sits at the edge of the bed, adjusting to the morning brightness before standing up and checking his phone.

My head rested in the palm of my hands as i watched Rafe put on his socks and shoes, heading towards the door. Was he just gonna leave?

"Topper's having a party" he explains.

"In the afternoon?" I question.

Rafe nods, straightening his shirt. "Partys don't have to be at night you know".

"Yeah but... nevermind" i dismiss, getting out of my bed as well.

"See you tonight then" Rafe says, watching me yawn and stretch my arms out. I was only in my underwear and one of Rafe's oversized shirts.

"Yeah..." i reply tiredly, fighting the urge to just go back to sleep.

Once i hear Rafe leave the house and the front door shut, i make my way to the bathroom and take a quick shower.

I get dressed into some shorts and a top before walking over to the nightstand, picking up my phone.

No messages.

I frown, wondering where the hell the pogues and Sarah were. I assumed that they were probably back on thier super secret mission so i decided that i would go to the chateau and see what was going on.

Leaving the house, i get in my car, drive out of figure eight and through the cut. I park infront of John b's house, noticing the twinkie out front as well. They must be home then.

I walk through the house but no one was there. That's when i heard Kie's bickering coming from the backyard. I watch as the pogues and Sarah were huddled around a pot. JJ held a blowtorch towards it and it seemed as though they were melting something.

Once i got closer, i could see gold bars with a feint wheat symbol on them. "What are you guys doing? And is that... gold?".

Everyone turned around, staring at my confused expression. They weren't expecting me here and they clearly didn't want me apart of this.

"Fuck..." JJ says, turning off the blowtorch and setting it down. "She's not getting my cut of the money".

My head tilts and brows furrow.

"What?". I look down at the gold, realising that they somehow managed to find a shit ton of gold and were planning to pawn it. "Where in the fuck did a bunch of pogues manage to find this much gold?".

"Why are you here y/n" John b ignores.

"Answer me first".

John b sighs. "We found the gold from the royal merchant".

My eyes widened and jaw dropped.


How? When? Where?

Well i guess that explains why they've been so secretive. I'm shocked.

"This is what you've been hiding?".

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