Chapter 16

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"She likes you, you like her, mission accomplished!" Yelena added to her rant, ignoring how you weren't listening to anything she said, "I saw you touching lips y'know. It is too obvious now, Y/n." Her accent was thick, waving her hands as the two of you walked a little down the street to where you were about to meet Clint. "You two were going fo-"

"We're here." You cut her off, stopping in your tracks as you turned to her with your arms folded, "get out of sight."

"So demanding." She groaned, throwing her head back as she dragged her feet down the alley beside the restaurant.

Sighing to yourself, preparing for what was about to come, you forced on a greeting smile as you entered the restaurant.

It was dark outside, the lights from the relaxing restaurant easing all your nerves as you stepped foot inside, immediately being greeted by someone at the door. "Welcome! How may I help you? Seat for two? Meeting someone? I can get you everything you need!" They were oddly cheery for someone whose job was to be calm but that didn't matter.

"Meeting. Under the name Barton." You told them, eyeing the place to try and land your eyes on Clint.

"Ah, yes. Y/n right?"

"That's right." You confirmed with the slight nod of your head, now turning to look at them with a smile.

"Right this way, I'll show you to your table." She started walking, checking you were following her before heading deeper into the restaurant, passing by tables with cheery people talking and eating their meals before you spotted Clint in the far back corner, a window to his right and he smiled when he saw you. His nerves relaxed when he did, thinking you were going to be late but that was never like you.

"Thank you." You smiled and she nodded before walking away after she asked you if you wanted anything to drink. You ordered a water, simple yet something, before taking your coat off, hanging it on the back of the chair as you smiled over the table at Clint.

"It's good to see you someplace more relaxing." He chuckled, taking a sip of his wine that he must have ordered before you arrived.

"I can agree on that, we don't need to worry about anything for once." You chuckled lightly, moving the neatly wrapped cutlery to the side so you could place your hands on the table, feeling more at ease this way.

"Was there a reason for this?" He questioned, his smile still present yet smaller this time round as he raised an eyebrow with his question.

"There was," you sighed dramatically, picking up the menu as you made sure to stay quiet, pretending to muster up the words for a big problem to add to the dramatics before closing it when you found what you wanted, "I am starving." You finished and he laughed at you, nodding his head to tell you he agreed with you.

"It's a good thing we're in a place full of food." You laughed at this, although it wasn't genuine, it was enough to be convincing.

"What are you having?"

"Fettuccine Alfredo, have you had that before?' He hummed in thought, flicking through the menu, "I haven't, I feel the need to try it."

"You should, it's one of my favorites." He nodded at your words, his eyebrows drawn together in thought before he closed the menu, set on his decision.

The waiter came back, placing your water on the table before asking for your orders. You both gave them to him and he left with a smile that was most definitely fake, going to give your orders to the chef.

You talked as you waited for your food, avoiding anything that included combat to be safe. The plan was, you were to message Yelena once the food was finished after you excused yourself to the bathroom when you and Clint were leaving the restaurant, this would give her the signal to make her move which gave you the signal to get out of sight.

She was going to make it work, and although you believed the plan could have been better, you went along with it, being sure to play your part perfectly.

The plan was getting closer to a finish, closer to the end, up until you saw a glimpse of Kate out of the window, dressed in a purple archers suit slipping behind the building where you lost sight of her. Something more was happening and you couldn't leave Yelena to deal with it on her own so you made a change of plans on your own account.

You split the bill, leaving the restaurant and messaged Yelena it was done. You slipped off to the restroom, giving yourself an extra few minutes whilst you changed into your old suit that you wore under your previous outfit. The black material clinging to your figure whilst the color of jade green brought it all together, sewn into the cuffs of your sleeve and the seams of the black material making it look like it was made for you. It was, obviously, you designed it yourself before joining the avengers, upgrading it and tweaking it a little when you officially became one.

Leaving the restroom with your coat overtop, you saw Clint was no longer at the door waiting for you. You took this as your sign to leave the building, going around back where you had previously seen Kate all that time ago.

Throwing your coat to the floor, wincing a little at the thought of all the dirt it was going to gather, you climbed the ladders to the restraints building. You stopped yourself when you heard grunts and yelling from the two who were up there, you peered over the top and saw Clint and Yelena fighting each other. Yelena was getting the most hits in but it just made you wonder where Kate had gotten to.

You knew you saw her, you were certain so she had to be around here somewhere. Climbing onto the roof, taking this as your chance to join in, you clicked the handle on your blade, the noise of it catching the attention of the two that were fighting. "Y/n?" Clint asked out, his voice quiet in disbelief as he tried to understand the situation.

"I always love seeing that thing!" Yelena laughed, elbowing Clint in the back of his neck when his guard dropped at the sight of you.

"Yelena, we said no killing." You reminded her, your tone like a mothers that was speaking to their child. She glanced at you, pausing for a moment before kicking Clint in his stomach, making him groan as he curled up holding on to it in pain.

"But it's so fun!" She argued, bringing out her own weapon as she stood over him, "and this is all for my sister." She shrugged, speaking to herself now.

She raised her gun, ready to shoot him before you rushed over, hitting it out her hands with your blade and giving her a warning look.

You turned to Clint, ignoring Yelena when she said something to you about how that was rude, and stood over his figure, you blade in your hand staring down at your old friend.

"Drop it." You looked up, seeing Kate with her bow aimed at you, ready to impale you with an arrow at any sudden movement.

You wanted to roll your eyes at the impression she must have got from where you were standing. Sure it looked like you were about to end his life, sure it looked badass, but she was being so dramatic.

"Kate?" Yelena's voice was high, confusion lacing her tone, clearly unbothered by her.

"Y/n." She warned, standing her ground by not lowering her bow when you didn't drop your blade.

"This makes so much sense." You laughed to yourself, adding everything up from the party you and Yelena attended all those weeks ago. The way Kate reacted when Yelena told her she was going to kill him, he wasn't just her childhood hero, she was his fucking partner and it made your stomach turn at the thought knowing the girl you had gained feelings for has been siding with one of the people that hurt you the most.

"Put it down." You silently agreed, raising your hand as you were about to throw it off to the side, all before she let go of her arrow. Hitting you in the chest.

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