Chapter 23

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You exchanged numbers with Dan last night, the two of you growing as close as friends could after only knowing each other for three hours.

You learnt that he was from Essex, he had two sisters, one older and one younger. His parents were present, yet divorced for 13 years now. He talked about his sisters with much love and you could tell that the three of them had a close bond, even whilst the eldest, the one you had forgotten the name of, had moved out of the country for a job offer earlier in the year.

Dan happened to be one of the people who didn't get blipped and he explained his time like anyone else would who lived during that period, everything but good and cheerful. It sent him into a bad head space, not having any of his family around as he had to adjust to his new life for five whole years, believing they were gone. When they were brought back, he was over the moon with how, sobbing uncontrollably when he saw his family again.

He was a sweet man. He had humor, maybe it was the alcohol but you found it funny nonetheless, and he definitely knew how to hold a good, deep conversation.

Kate was supposed to be arriving today and the two of you had been messaging each other nonstop, updating the other with every little thing that happened until she was here with you.

You told her you'd meet her at the airport first thing in the afternoon, the time of her arrival, and she replied with a series of texts about how excited she was.

You felt guilty that she had to leave everything behind, but she made that choice all by herself and she was an adult at the end of the day. The decision was entirely hers and she made it clear that she no longer had anything to stay for after her mother was arrested, she had no one but you, Clint and Yelena until the three of you peeled off in your own ways. But she wouldn't let you do that without her, so she insisted that she was going with you, wanting to start a new life with just the two of you and whoever you would meet along the way, with also the special mention of Lucky.

You were at the stage of not being dating but more than friends. You were okay with that, and so was she when she was so quick to decide to follow you. An unusual yet adorable habit of hers.

You would come back from work some days to find her waiting outside of your apartment for longer than a couple hours as she was never sure about what time you finished. This happened a few times, maybe a bit too many when you felt guilty about her waiting around all day, so you gave her your work schedule.

She was quick to memorize it and yet still managed to get to your apartment 20 minutes before you did, not wanting to risk missing you by a second. She had to be sure.

Your feelings for the girl were growing by each day, each conversation, each interaction, each thought. She was once someone you groaned at the thought of, but the time you spent getting to know her quickly made her become the only person that had you smiling like the Cheshire Cat just by one singular thought or mention of her name.

When she first saw you at the tower, she could tell you were going through a lot of feelings, mostly hatred by the sound of your outbreak to your former friends, and she wanted to check on you. Something told her that night to find you, make sure you was okay, be there for you if you needed so she got your address from Clint, which you still have no idea about till this day, and set of to head to your new apartment.

She made an excuse about apologizing, but as said, she felt like you silently needed someone even if you were showing the complete opposite.

She had always admired you from a young age, mostly because you were the one avenger whose age was almost the same as hers and you gave her a lot of courage to begin training by herself. That's where Clint comes in, after seeing him as a child, she took interest in archery and she never told you but you found out when she used those skills against you. Which she still apologized nonstop for, not forgiving herself for that moment.

The moment Yelena left, you really had no one with Kate not being in contact with you, not like you tried but oh well.

Yelena left, her cell being unreachable at this point. She most likely tossed it and you figured that out when you tried tracing her cell, with the help of your knowledge you had stored away for years.

She was nowhere to be found and you found yourself missing her daily. It was utterly disgusting.

You hated it, but you missed everything about her. Her annoying remarks, her loud laugh and her quick witted responses. The lot was gone the second she left your apartment for the last time and the worst part about it all was that she never told you she was going to be gone. So she left with you being annoyed at her for chewing too loudly next to you, pointing and laughing at the tv when she found something funny.

Yeah, you definitely missed her.

You wrapped your arms around the raven haired girl, pulling her closely into you as the two of you took the moment in, realizing how much you had missed each other over the such short time you had apart. "I would tease you about this, but I don't want you to let go of me yet." You heard Kate whisper against you, making you giggle before kissing the top of her head.

"I missed you." You told her honestly and she pulled back, her hands now on your arms as she gaped at you.

"W-what did you say?" You saw the teasing glint in her eye and you wanted to groan, knowing exactly what was coming, "You? Missed me? No freaking way! Who would have thought, huh? The grumpy old egg has cracked! I'm never letting you forget this."

"I'm sorry?" You raised an eyebrow, ignoring how she was practically cheering for a whole football team in the middle of the airport, " 'Grumpy old egg'? " You repeated, a huff of a laugh leaving you as you crossed your arms defensively and she smirked, having fun messing with you.

"Well, you're grumpy, you're reallyyyy old and. . ." she paused, thinking for a moment as she looked away with narrowed eyes and pursed lips, shaking her head when she added, "I don't have anything for the egg part." She shrugged, waving it off until her face lit up, an idea popping into her head.

"Can we shave your head? It'll create the whole 'egg' scenario, it would be so- should we wax it? coat it in oil to make you extra shiny? - Hmm, anyway! We're shaving your head, you old egg." You stared blankly at her, half amused and half in concern, wanting to know what the fuck was happening inside her head. "Maybe another time," she shook her head, forgetting the whole idea completely before looking up, smiling at you innocently.

"You are such a weirdo."

"Eh, you'll soon love me for it. Although I do believe you already do, but that's a topic for another night. Right now I want food, a shower, a bed and a shit ton of movies." 

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