Chapter 17

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"Y/n, you will be taking the lead for this mission," Tony told you, his palm to the flat surface of the table below him, "as you all know, Hydra agents have been spotted throughout SHIELD, we have located one of their bases. Their main base." He smirked, proud of his work for getting this deep. "L/n, Maximoff and Rogers, the three of you will make a quiet entry whilst agent Romanoff navigates L/n to the main room. I will be speaking with Rogers, Barton will take Maximoff and so forth."

Everyone listened carefully as he continued his explanation, not wanting to miss a single detail he was giving. It sounded like an easy task, risky but easy.

~time skip~

The Quinjet landed just a bit out of sight from the Hydra base, not wanting to be too obvious about the invasion. You were given your earpiece, Nat speaking through it to make sure you were able to hear her. Once everything was set, it was time.

You, Wanda and Steve entered through a fire exit at the back of the exit once Steve had gotten it open. To all of your surprise, the place was empty. It wasn't said to be empty when Tony was explaining it hours prior, he explained the high amount of security throughout the entire building but not one person was in sight.

"Y/n, take the left wing." Nat spoke through your earpiece as Tony and Clint did the same to Steve and Wanda, sending them in different directions.

"Got it." You replied, nodding to the other two before you all split up in the directions you were ordered to head.

You had your blade out at the ready as you rushed down the hallway, light on your toes to be sure you made no noise, a specialty of yours even at such fast paces. There was a window to your left, the blinds open from the other side that revealed an office that was lit up with the bright lights that hung from the ceiling. "I'm heading into room 309." You informed Nat before carefully opening the door, ready for anything that could possibly go your way.

"Check all drawers for files, usb sticks, information about anything and be sure to scan the hard drive's." Her tone was always so serious on mission and you loved it, you loved the thrill it gave you knowing what you were doing was something serious that didn't need to include games.

Following her orders, you scanned each drawer, each of the two computers and any cabinet you could find only to be left with nothing. Everything was empty, the computers being factory reset.


"Nope," You told her, popping the p as you scanned over the room to be sure you hadn't missed anything, "just a computer that has been wiped. I wonder if that's because of their search history." You mumbled the last part to yourself, your eyebrows furrowing together as you became interested in your own question.

You searched the entire left wing, leaving one door left. The sight was eerie alone, the door metal, locked with a code unlike all the basic wooden doors you had previously been walking through.

"I'm at the end of the hall now." You told Nat, eyeing the door as you stood in front of it.

"It has a code, right?"

"It does." You confirmed, bringing out the device Tony had given you before wiring it up to the box after pulling some wires from it. The device worked in the way it does, numbers scrambling for 30 seconds before a beeping was heard indicating the door had been unlocked. "I'm in." You whispered as you pushed the door open, your blade held out at the ready.

"I'm sorry, Y/n." Nat spoke before her side went silent, the door behind you slamming to a close as you whipped around only to be met by a large metal bar, knocking you out cold.

You woke up, you don't know how long later, your arms strapped to a metal chair, a metal bar around your neck and your feet tied to the legs of the chair. You didn't know what happened, the last thing you remembered was Natasha telling you she was sorry before you were knocked to the ground.

The impact had your head throbbing with excruciating pain, you could feel the dried blood that had trickled down your face when the muscles in your face moved.

Three men surrounded you, sickening grins on the faces as they eyes you like their prey. You couldn't move. You were strapped down with metal pieces that were bolted into the cold, metal chair.

"Wakey, wakey, sunshine." One of the men grinned, stepping forward to stroke your face with his index finger.

"Where's Wanda? Where's Steve? Where are they?!" You gritted, only caring for your friends when you were the only one in danger.

"Oh you poor thing," the man to his left laughed, genuinely laughed and it was sickening, "they went home." He cooed sarcastically and the three of them laughed, hitting each others shoulders as they did, finding it hilarious.

"Oh." One of them stopped, looking at your confused, hurt expression, "you don't know?"

"Know what?" You were desperate, weak, betrayed.

"You're their toy," He stepped closer to you, swinging the bar as he listed, "their token, their chess piece, baby you were the trade. They swapped you for information." He laughed at you, your eyes brimming with tears not wanting to believe this but if they were lying someone would have come through that door a long time ago.

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