First Kiss

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Me writing a chapter with headcanons after so long?

Hell yes I am

I couldn't focus in class after my Chemistry exam today so I thought of those.

Enjoy my sinners


Papa 0 (Nihil):

After his last break up with Imperator he thought that there was no future for him and relationships but when you joined the clergy, he felt as if he had been back in the age of 20. One night after dinner while you were walking with him to his room he could totally admit that he lost himself when instead of a simple 'goodnight' his lips were met with yours. Needless to say, the other day he was jumping around like a teenager. Even his sons had notices his sudden change of mood and you were more than happy to realize that he liked it. (You daddy-issues-ed mf found his single ass n said 'let's fucking go. New dad spotted')

Papa I (Primo):

Although Primo was always the romantic type of man, he never had any success with people. When he noticed that a person he considered one of the people who would keep him as  just a friend had started to actually show interest, he didn't hold himself back. After a nice dinner together, he confessed his feelings and was over the room when he saw you jumping to his arms and placing your soft lips on top of his own ones. The time had actually stopped in his little world for the moments your bodies got connected.

Papa II (Secondo):

Secondo was always a ladies man and it was noticed by everyone. He gave and received kisses on a daily basis by many people. He couldn't understand what was going on and he hadn't succeeded in getting a kiss from you. He had actually gotten some sort of obsession with you and was craving your lips. He couldn't hold himself for long after you two became closer and he just went on rubbing against you. You weren't blind (I am sorry if someone is blind n reading this) and you indeed noticed so you just pecked his lips and walked away, leaving him in shock and with his heart on his hands.

Papa III (Terzo):

Although he doesn't show it, he is pretty awkward and clingy when it comes to someone he actually is in love with. He would flirt around with you every now and then but would easily give up if he saw no success. He would trap you in corners of the ministry and would try kissing you. He was actually quite impressed when you gave in and allowed the kiss after a long line of failed tries. He would follow you around asking for more for weeks after it.

Papa IV (Copia):

His anxious ass wouldn't even realize where it came from or how it came up but would totally love it. After a long hang out in the library with many romantic poems being read between the two of you, he would start dedicating poems to you and you would do the same in return. The one lead to another and before you knew it, you were sitting on his lap kissing him passionately with his hands pulling you closer by the waist. The man couldn't sleep for weeks thinking about it.

Sister Imperator:

She is not an easy-to-get woman. You would probably have to try a lot to get a kiss from her. She would mostly giggle and walk away each time you tried making a move. But when she finally admitted to herself that she wanted this to happen, she just allowed it and stayed back as you connected your lips with hers. She would lie if she said she did not enjoy it.


He had realized you had a little something for him from the start but he wasn't nagging you about it. He had tried to keep his mouth shut at first but when a game of truth or dare came in sight, this man had a devilish plan to dare you to kiss him. He was honestly taken by surprise when you actually did it.


The man was really awkward about it. You were both left alone in the middle of a new years party, drunk and under a mistletoe. When he saw the smirk on your lips and felt your body heat closer to himself, he swore he saw Satan smile at him from the corner. His whole body had froze by the time your hands found their way to his cheeks and capped his face while leaning closer to finally kiss him. He was taken by surprise at first but immediately kissed back so he wouldn't show his awkwardness.


Swiss is the type of guy who will go to parties, get blacked out and make out with each and every person who will accept his lips. You two probably met in such a party. But when he first kissed you was long after the party you met. You stayed in contact after that party and with the time y'all bounded, Swiss stsrted developing feelings for you. Your first kiss happened once when you were hanging out in his place and he confessed. Before receiving any answer, the ghoul was pushed in the sofa and got his lips connected to yours. You were his exception.


The guy is so shy. He wouldn't even look up at you or make any move at all. He was always standing in the corner watching you laugh with the others. When he was called and asked to play games with the rest of you, he tried getting a seat far away so he would have a save distance from you. Much to his surprise, he was dared to play Seven Minutes In Heaven with you and you both ended up making out in the bathroom because you couldn't hold back and confessed to him midway in the game.


Mountain did not care and did not want to care about romance before he met you. You woke up all his desires. From the moment his eyes fell in you, he knew that he wanted you forever. In valentines day, he got you a present and left it in your room with a small note saying 'meet me in the gardens at midnight' and that's what you did. When you met outside, your heart left your chest to the sight of him waiting for you with open arms. You immediately run up to him and kissed him on the spot. Needless to say, it was his favorite day of the year.


Cumulus is a person who shows love amd affection to everyone, unlike you. You never showed any signs of romantic feelings towards them until you got suck and they were the only person taking care of you. One night as they were putting you to sleep, you pulled their hand, got the on top of you and kissed them. After pulling away you could almost smell the blush under their mask. That moment, you let it all out. All your feelings for them and did not hesitate to ask them to be your partner. They of course said yes and kissed you again without letting any space for breathing.


Hers and yours first kiss was quite the opposite of Cumulus. You were always around her, talking to her non stop about anything happening, hugging her and buying her gifts and just showing your love to her. But she was blind to it all. She didn't realize until one day she snapped at you for talking way too much and in the anger and shouting you let out the "I am fucking in love with you. That's why I am annoying you all the time. Is it that hard to see?" Cirrus was left speechless when she heard those words and instantly stopped yelling and pulled you in for a kiss. She did shut you down eventually.


She was always making you small gifts such as flower crowns or paper rings and you loved them so much. You kept everything she made you. One time you tried making her something too. Most specifically you organized a small picnic for you too near the lake. But it turned out being a disaster. The sun was way too hot and when you too tried cooling off in the lake's waters, she ended up falling on top of you and you both almost drowned. When you helped her get up only thing she did was laugh at your annoyed face and the constant complaining about how your plans were ruined. She put her hand on your cheek to stop you and pulled her lips to yours to shut you down. When she pulled away she let you know that she loved it and that no one had ever done something like this for her. That day only left you with a stupid smile on your face. And a very sweet and awesome girlfriend as well.


Yo guys.

I tried okay?

I haven't written headcanons here for long.

As some of you may know if you follow me on tik tok, my spicy headcanons about ghost have kind of blown up.

My tik tok username is: rodolfomtl
If anyone is wondering.

Y'all are for real fire.

I love you all and thank you for over four thousand readers in this story.

Till next chapter.

- Rodolfo ⛧

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