Part 3

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Third POV

Jin-su hissed as his back makes a harsh contact to the wall. Gwi-nam smirked seeing this while the other with him laugh. One of them throw a bucket of water at him making him wet.

"I didn't get to hit you before but now I'm sure, I'm gonna hit you not just once" said Myung-hwan, the leader of the group, ready to punch Jin-su.

Jin-su clench his fist and close his eyes ready for the impact but it never came instead the group just laugh at him causing him to cry silently which made the group laugh even more.

Jin-su then remembered what [Name] said to him the day [Name] saved him. But will [Name] really come?. What if he don't?.

Jin-su finally decided and sigh. The group watch this happens, curious of what he will do. Then it happen.


Gwi-nam ran towards Jin-su and covered his mouth. The group stay silent, hearing nothing outside the room, Gwi-nam let go of Jin-su and smack him on the head.

"You sh*t, are you trying to get us into trouble!" Shout the leader. Jin-su didn't say any word, he was just looking down, why did he do it?, [Name] and him just meet. Of course he will not come.

Jin-su silence angered Myung-hwan more. He was ready to punch Jin-su but stop when the door in the room open harshly which surprise everyone.

[Name] look around and spot Jin-su being about to get punch. This anger him but he didn't show it on his face. He walk calmly towards Jin-su then take off his jacket and give it to him.

"What's this, a prince came to save the princess hahaha" Said one of the bullies. The other started laughing too.

After helping Jin-su put the jacket on,[Name] then turn around and look each one of the group making them stop laughing.

"Who did this?" Ask [Name]. The bullies got confused, who did what?

Seeing this, [Name] sigh, getting even angrier.

"Who was the one throw a water on him!" Shout [Name] making everyone flinch.

Myung-hwan got curious of what will [Name] do and point to himself.

"It was me, what you gonna do about it?" Myung-hwan taunted.

(A/n: now we got problem~, and i don't think we-. Ok back to the story.)

"You, let me make this clear, don't touch Jin-su, or else your dead, got that?" Said [Name] as he walk towards Myung-hwan.

"And if i do-" before he could say anything he was cut off. Everyone was shock as they witnessed how [Name] grabbed Myung-hwan neck and slowly left him up.

"I said do you understand?" [Name] said. Myung-hwan nodded his head trying to break free as he needed air.

Satisfied with the answer. [Name] let him go causing him to fall into the ground but [Name] didn't care.

Gwi-nam was just watching this on the side. His eyes shine in admiration. [Name] was so cool but why does he have to help such a weakling.

[Name] walk towads Jin-su and help him walk outside. While walking, he suddenly collapsed which surprise [name] . He don't have a choice but to carry him, bride style, towards the infirmary.

Afrer a while, [Name] finally arrived at the infirmary. He lay Jin-su on the bed and sat on the chair besides him. [name] can't stand people looking at him at the hallway while whispering at each other. He then noticed that the nurse was nowhere to be found which made him frown. Who will take care of Jin-su?.

As if the heaven hearted him, the door suddenly open making him stand up.
Behold, in front of him was Jin-su's father.

[Name] bow down at him showing some respect which he nodded his head signing that its ok.

" what happened?" Ask Lee Byeong-chan.

[Name] told the truth and everything to him and he can see that the father is pissed.

"Thank you for being there for him" He said bowing. This surprise [Name] and told him that it was ok and he didn't needed to bow.

The bell suddenly ring which made the both stop talking.

"You can go and have your lunch, I'll watch my son." Said the teacher patting [Name]'s head.

He nodded his head then said goodbye and walk out.

[Name] sigh as he walk down the hallway. It will begin tonight.

(A/n: hi~ 《●○●》, I'm so sorry if there is any mistakes and wrong spelling)

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