Part 7

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(A/n: hey guys so i kinda change some things, i know that the virus spread after a week when Jin-su fall of the roof and i kinda change that, so instead of that, the spread of the virus will be sooner, that's all, i hope you understand since i need to do this for the plot.)

Third POV

Jin-su came out of the bathroom while drying his hear and stop seeing [Name] in daze. Jin-su walk towards [Name] and pull his sleeve. [Name] snapped out of his dazed and look at Jin-su, he can see his upper body since the towel only cover the lower part of his body and another towel above his head.

"I'm finish  Are you ok?" Ask Jin-su. [Name] smile and nodded his head.

"Yeah, just remember something" [Name] said, looking away and Jin-su nodded his head but didn't ask anything since it sounds serious and go to [Name]'s room to change.

[Name] sigh,' whatever, it seems like it isn't working, yet' he though and finish washing the dishes. Drying his hands he walk towards the bathroom and brush his teeth then take a bath.

Jin-su's POV

After changing, i walk out the room and frowned as i didn't saw [Name] anywhere but calmed down when i hear the shower on.

I go to the sitting room then turn on the tv and take a sit as i wait for [Name] to finish.

After a while, i hear the bathroom door open and look. I blush as i saw [Name] walk out and saw that the lower part of his body was covered.

'He's built' i though and blush hard then look at the tv. I don't want him to saw me like this. I sigh, trying to erase the blush on my face as i saw him walk in his room.

Third POV

After [Name] change, they then proceed to go to school. Arriving there, they both saw Myung-hwan and his group glaring at them.

[Name] sigh then grab Jin-su's hand and walk faster. Seeing this, Gwi-nam frowned more. 'Why are you even protecting that loser?' He though and walk away.

[Name] and Jin-su  walk down in the hallway in silence. [Name] released his hand the moment they both walk in the building much to Jin-su's disappointment.

You both halted when someone call Jin-su's name. Looking to who was the one that call, you saw Min Eun-ji and Kim Chul-soo running towards them.

(A/n: i know Min Eun-ji doesn't like anyone in the series except for Kim Chul-soo cause he was her friend but in my story they both are friends with Jin-su.)

"Hey Jin-su are you alright?" Ask Chul-soo as him and Eun-ji stop infront of [Name] and Jin-su.

"Yeah, I'm alright, why?" Said Jin-su and both of his friend sigh in relief.

"I see, well... we heard that Myung-hwan was going to do something bad to you last night, so we thought something bad really happened to you" said Eun-ji making Jin-su's eyes widened.

"W-what?" Jin-su said, his voice was cracking as he stare at them shock. He then look at [Name] and realized  something.

"You know?" Ask Jin-su Looking at [Name]. Eun-ji and Chul-soo just look at them in confusion.

"You know what they are going to do that's why you invited me to have a sleep over" Jin-su continue.

[Name] sigh and was about to answer but got stop when the bell ring.

" I'll see you later" said [Name] and walk away heading to his room leaving the three behind.

"What was that?" Ask Eun-ji.

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