Part 8

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Third's POV

Mrs. Lee happily walked towards the table holding the foods.

"This is so much!" Gyeong-su said seeing it and clapped.

"Thank you" said On-jo as Mrs. Lee put the foods on the table. Gyeong-su, I-sak and [Name] also said thank you while Cheong-san just look at the foods.

"It looks so good" said I-sak and [Name] nodded his head.

"Why so much?" Ask Cheong-san looking at his mom.

"On-jo eats alot" said Mrs. Lee smiling.

"I don't eat alot. I eat well" said On-jo looking at Mrs. Lee.

"Yes, that's what i like the best" said Mrs. Lee and then look at Gyeong-su.
"Eat up, Gyeong-su" she said smiling happily which Gyeong-su said thank you.

Mrs. Lee than look at I-sak and said "You to, A-sak".

"It's I-sak not A-sak" said I-sak as she  look at Mrs. Lee and smile.

"Did you change your name?"ask Mrs. Lee which made I-sak laugh. "Yes?" Mrs. Lee also laugh.

She then look at [Name] who was sitting between Cheong-san and On-jo.
Seeing that [Name] doesn't have anything on his plate, she look at her son.

"Cheong-san, hand [Name] some food" Cheong-san was about to open his mouth but hearing what his mother said he close it. He looked at [Name]'s plate and it was indeed empty. This got the other notice it too.

"Here [Name], it's very delicious" said Gyeong-su and hand [Name] the food infront of him.

"Thanks" [Name] said taking the food and putting some on his plate.

Mrs. Lee sigh, her son is very slow. She can see with her two eyes that not only his son has interest on [Name].

"Mom, don't change someone else's  name, change the restaurant's name" Cheong-san remembered what he was about to say just a moment ago and said.

"Why are you using my name?" Cheong-san continued to ask.

"It was called that before you were born" said his mom.

"Exactly, you named me after the restaurant, I don't like-" Cheong-san was cut off when Gyeong-su nudge him.

"Hey, quite" said Gyeong-su then look at Mrs. Lee and said "I like it, it has authenticity".

"Right?" Said Mrs. Lee.

"Of course" Gyeong-su nodded.

"He's right" On-jo, I-sak and [Name] said making Cheong-san look at them in disbelief.

"So this is the new recipe we made" said Mrs. Lee and everyone look at her nodding.

"This is slightly hot, and this is very hot, what do you think?" Said Mrs. Lee looking at each one of them.
"You have to be honest" she added.

"It's super-crazy-mad good" Gyeong-su said. "It's delicious" he added.

"Really?" Said Mrs. Lee happily.

"Ma'am, right, if you need a delivery boy, I'll do it for cheap". Said Gyeong-su.

"You guy's need to study" said Mrs. Lee said smiling and then look at On-jo.

"On-jo, is it to hot?" Ask Mrs. Lee.

On-jo shake her head and said "it's salty".

"It's salty?" Mrs. Lee falter for a moment then continued to smile and point at the other food.

"What about this one, is it very hot?" Mrs. Lee asked again.

"No, it's salty" said On-jo again.

"Why is it salty? That's bad" said Mrs. Lee and go to his husband.

[Name] just stay silent watching everything that is happening. But to be honest, he agrees at On-jo, the food is spicy yes but it is more salty than spicy, even so it is delicious.

~Time skip~
(A/n: sorry, your author is lazy to write the whole restaurant scene)

"Thank you so much" said [Name] bowing at Mrs. and Mr. Lee who exchange a glance and smile.

"You're welcome" said Mrs. Lee as her husband nodded.

"Come visit next time, ok?" She added. Cheong-san look at his parents in shock. If [Name] go to his house that means that he will see his room that is not so clean.

"Of course, especially you cook a delicious food" all of them laugh hearing what [Name] said.

"I have to go first, i have some important things to do, i promise I'll visit next time" said [Name] bowing again and then walk away.

"We approve" Mr. And Mrs. Lee smile and look at Cheong-san who blushed. Seeing this, Gyeong-su, I-sak, and On-jo felt something that they can't describe.

Meanwhile with [Name]. He arrived at his house and hurriedly take a shower and change. He then open every cabinet inside his house looking for something. Opening the cabinet under the TV, he saw what he was looking for. A large bag.

'Perfect' [Name] though smirking.

He took the bag and open it then put it on the bed. Opening his wardrobe, he took some clothes and put it in the bag. He take the bag again and go to the kitchen. He open the fridge and took out some food and drink that will last in 1 week for many people to eat and put it in the bag. He close the fridge and open the cabinet above the sink and take out a lighter, flashlight, and batteries. He close the bag after putting it all.

He sat on the couch exhausted. He took out his phone from his pocket when it suddenly rang.

"Hello?" [Name] answer the phone without looking at the number.

"[Name]?" He heard Jin-su's voice and became concern because he sounds like he was crying.

"Jin-su?, what's wrong?" Ask [Name].

"I'm sorry" said Jin-su crying.

"I'm sorry?, why are saying sorry?" Said [Name] and look at his phone only to see that the call was ended. He try to call again but it doesn't get answered.

'What a pain' [Name] though sighing. He then get up and go to his room and lay in bed. He fell into deep slumber immediately as he made a contact with the bed.

Time skip

[Name] slowly opened his eyes and sat up. He took his phone and look at the time, 05:26.

'It's still early' [Name] yawned and put back his phone.

He get off the bed and take a shower and change. He took his school bag and make sure that all necessary thing are in there. He also took the large bag and put his shoes on, then walk out and head to school.

As he walk by, some people would look at him weirdly but [Name] didn't   mind or care at all.

Arriving at school, he go to his classroom and put his school bag on his seat and the large bag on the side.
While doing this, his classmates just looked at him.

He saw Yaa-shu walking towards him in the corner of his eyes and look at her.

"Good morning [Name]" She said smiling happily.

"Good morning" [Name] said and do a little bow.

She was about to say something when [Name] saw Eun-ji and Chul-soo with Gwi-nam and his group.

"Sorry but i have to go" after saying that [Name] run as fast as i he can to go there, not caring about the people he bumped into. Eun-ji and Chul-soo is more important right now.

(A/n: sorry if there is wrong spelling and grammar)

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