Part 4

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Third POV

[Name] walk down the hallway heading towards the cafeteria. He stop walking when someone suddenly came in front of him.

It was Joon-yeong holding a bread and a milk, handing it out towards [Name] who look at it in confusion.
Seeing [Name] confused face. Joon-yeong fake a cough.

"It's a thank you for helping me yesterday" Joon-yeong said.

[Name] then remember what happened yesterday and made an oh face.

"It's no big deal really but thanks" [Name] smile and take the bread and milk.

"Have you eaten yet?" Ask [Name] and Joon-yeong shook his head which means that he didn't.

[Name] nodded his head and break  the bread into two then hand the other one to Joon-yeong.

Joon-yeong was stunned and shook his head.
"No, it's for you" he said.

"But you didn't eat yet right, so take it" said [Name] taking Joon-yeong hand and place the bread in it.

Joon-yeong had no choice but to take it and eat it. Then both of them started walking down the hallway in silence.

While drinking milk, [Name] suddenly remembered that he have to go to the rooftop because a female classmate of his wanted to talk to him.

He then stop walking and turn to Joon-yeong.

"Are you going somewhere?" Ask [Name] and Joon-yeong made a thinking face.

"No, why?" Said Joon-yeong.

"Great, come along with me" Said [Name]. Joon-yeong got confused but still  follow.

Arriving at the rooftop, Joon-yeong see a girl standing in the middle looking at the sky.

Upon hearing someone coming, the girl turned around to look and got confused why there's another guy with [Name].

"What do you want to talk about?" Ask [Name], taking the attention of the girl.

The girl blush looking at him. She cant believe that she is finally going to confess.

Seeing what is happening in front of him, Joon-yeong know what's gonna happen next.

"[Name], you are the coolest person i ever meet in my life and i like you since the first time i saw you. [Name], can i be your girlfriend?" Said the girl who is blushing mess.

[Name] look calm at the outside but freaking out in the inside. He thought that he's gonna get bullied but this is not it.

Joon-yeong was shocked and unknown to him. He started clenching his hands. He don't know why, but this makes him angry.

[Name] sigh and look at the girl who is waiting for his reply.

"You're pretty and cute, and i can tell that you're gonna be a great girlfriend to have... But I'm not into a relationship right now, sorry" [Name] said.

After that, [Name] took Joon-yeong hand and leave. The girl was left alone shock, tears started to came out of her eyes.

Meanwhile with [Name] and Joon-yeong. Their both are still walking. [Name] didn't even realize that he was holding Joon-yeong hand.

" I'm so sorry you have to witness  that" [Name] stop walking and look at Joon-yeong.

"It's ok, you don't know that what will happen" Joon-yeong said and smile.

Finally noticing it, [Name] let go of Joon-yeong hand. Faking a cough, [Name] look at the time.

"Looks like class will start in 16 minutes" said [Name] and look at Joon-yeong.

"How about i take you to your classroom since mine is just not far from yours?" [Name] ask.

Joon-yeong was surprise. He didn't know that [Name]s classroom was close to his.

"Sure" Joon-yeong said.

[Name] nodded his head and lead the way. They both walk while talking to each other. They talk about what they likes and dislikes, basically, they wanted to know each other. Although [Name] already know Joon-yeong but Joon-yeong  don't know much about [Name].

After a while, they finally arrived and some students got curious of who is with Joon-yeong.

Nam-ra, who was reading a book look up and was surprise seeing [Name].
She frowned upon seeing him with Joon-yeong.

Meanwhile with [Name] and Joon-yeong.

"See you next time i guess" said [Name]. Joon-yeong nodded his head, smiling and walk inside of the classroom.

[Name] didn't leave, he stood there waiting for Joon-yeong to take his sit and accidentally made an eye contact  with Nam-ra.

[Name] wave his hand while smiling which Nam-ra did back. Seeing Joon-yeong take his sit, [Name] walk away.

"Hey Joon-yeong, who was that?" Ask Gyeong-su.

"His name is [Name], he's a year older than us" said Joon-yeong.

Everyone who was listening nodded their head. Until one of them ask a question.

"Is he boyfriend?" It was Cheong-san.

Joon-yeong blushed hardly and shook his head.

"Wha-NO!, me and [Name] are just friends and besides, [Name] isn't into a relationship right now" Joon-yeong said slightly saddens when he said the last part.

Hearing this, some people unknownly sigh in relief but a little disappointed at the last part.

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