The tug was harsh on her body, and next thing she knew there was a cold touch to her neck. A knife. Goosebumps laced her skin, and the hold on her arm was so tight she could've cried just from the pressure. The looks of horror from her siblings and friends filled her with fear, she knew she couldn't get out of this person's grasp, it wouldn't matter how much she fought. The knife against her neck was close too, so, so, close. Just the slightest twitch would draw blood.
Kireyi had never stayed so still in her life- so quiet other then the yelp she let out in surprise. Her eyes were hard on Neteyam, scared to look anywhere else. She felt if she looked to Aonung or Tsireya she'd burst into tears, and she couldn't do that right now, there was no time. The girl grew with confusion, Lo'ak whispering something to his sister, Neteyam stepping forward with his arms out, like he was trying to calm the man down. No- it wasn't for the man, it was for Kireyi. His eyes caught in hers, and though he didn't speak, she could hear the reassuring words he would say.
The one who tried calming the man was Spider, "Let her go!"
"I want their parents. We can make this easy, bring me them...." The voice behind her turned challenging, it was Quaritch, "And I let her go."
Kireyi's eyes tore away from Neteyam, looking to Spider instead. He screamed in frustration, it was obvious to everyone that if anyone moved in the slightest Kireyi would be dead, just like that. The look on the boy's face made her heart wrench, she could feel his emotions radiating off of him, feel just how much anguish he was in. And she would be more than surprised if the others couldn't.
He turned to Lo'ak, and Lo'ak turned to Kiri. The girl gave a soft nod, and Lo'ak began to walk away, "I will go get her...."
"Lo'ak-" Neteyam hissed, and Kireyi could no longer tell what was happening, the look on the older's face worried. Did they have a plan? Did they not? She didn't know and she wanted to sob, she wanted out. And her siblings- Rotxo, she still couldn't force herself to look to them.
"It is fine, Kiri and you can stay here with Spider, I will be fast."
"Hear that? We're getting them- just please, let her go," Spider's voice filled with plea.
"You have 10 minutes or I kill her, and her siblings," The knife nudged into her skin, and a sharp pain stung her neck, the warmth of a trickle of blood meeting her skin next.
Lo'ak took off into the woods in less than seconds, and everything grew quiet Spider stepped forward, "Why are you doing this...."
"Toruk Makto turned against his own!" Kireyi flinched when Quaritch yelled, her skin splitting more against the knife.
"So you kill these innocent people? You ruin their homes?!" Spider screamed back, everyone else had been quiet.
"He killed innocent men and women-"
"He didn't destroy their homes- you humans ruined your planet yourselves! You came onto their land, tried to take over their home! You brought those people's deaths onto themselves," The boy was in front of his father now, his chest heaving from the shouts. Quaritch couldn't respond back this time, and pure, dead silence surrounded everyone.
Kireyi's eyes welted at the boy, she was so helpless, and she finally cried at his outburst. Spider kept his eyes on her own, yet everything was a blur with the nonstop tears. Both of the young teenagers looked so helpless in the situation, a girl who couldn't get out, and a boy trying profusely to solve it. The sudden feeling of her heart dropping made her restless, "S-spider... you must back up-"
"Shut it!" Another tug. More blood.
Her eyes moved to Neteyam, silently pleading he would understand. It was her dream hunt, she finally understood it- the dark looming feeling that had terrorized her. She knew someone was going to die. Spider was going to die. And she knew it wasn't some magic- some random feeling. It was the exact flashed image from her dream hunt, she needed Spider gone now.
"Get him out of here!" She screamed now, not flinching as her skin cut more. It wasn't deep, and she thanked Eywa it hadn't been big either. She sobbed in the man's hold. If they could just get Spider out- get him away from it all he would survive. Her face only held worry as she beseeched for them to get Spider out.
Neteyam must've finally realized, slowly stepping towards Spider, "Spider.... step away now."
"What? Why?" His head turned in confusion.
"Just come here please...." Neteyam's head tilted in frustration, the human boy picking up on it.
"Okay.... okay," He held is hands up, stepping back slowly, "What is happening?"
Neteyam softly whispered, "You are not safe.... you need to leave."
"I said shut up!" Quaritch scolded the two, and they immediately shut their mouths, "Your ten minutes are almost up."
"Please...." Kireyi couldn't focus on anything specific now, her vision was blurred, eyes looking at everyone and everything.
Quaritch took the knife off of her neck, slicing into the back of her shoulder, the cut was not deep, but it hurt. Shoving her to the ground, the man took a fistful of her hair, pulling up to keep her sitting straight despite being on the ground. Kireyi didn't care, she needed Spider gone, even if it cost her life. Still- she couldn't help but silently scold herself for not getting her braids done yet. It would be hard to get out of the man's grasp as her curls knotted around it. She let out a frustrated hiss, unsure of what to do anymore. She watched how far Spider was from Quaritch. It wasn't enough.
Neteyam tapped the boy's arm, and Spider began to slowly back up, leaving Neteyam where he stood. All of the attention was on Quaritch, no one trying to lead the attention to Spider.
Kireyi began to try and calm herself, she closed her eyes, feeling the grass below her knees, the air brush past her body. It wasn't helping, her mind kept racing back to the fact she may die in only a few minutes, with how ruthless the man had already been to her, she knew there was no getting out of this. Tears silently poured from her eyes, and they stayed stuck to the ground, now she couldn't bring herself to look at the Sullys either. The pressure from being lifted by her hair made her head throb, the cut along her shoulder stinging. The only warmth she had felt was the blood that trickled down her arm and back, but her body ran cold.
"Three minutes," The man warned. Spider was farther away now, Neteyam still just as close as before. After so much time, Kireyi looked to her siblings, Aonung held Tsireya as she cried, and they stayed close to one of the trees with Rotxo. Kiri had been almost the same distance as Neteyam, but to the right instead.
Soft yelps were heard in the distance, and Kireyi quickly noticed Neteyam's eyes widen in just the slightest. The tug to the girls hair took her hope in seconds however, "Mrs Sully! Those tricks won't work twice.... why don't you come on out. We can have a little talk."
Kireyi hissed again in anger- fear. This was really it, she was going to die. Neytiri could be seen in one of the higher trees now, gaining everyone's attention as she spoke, "Let the girl go- this is between us only."
Her bow was drawn, but with how Quaritch held Kireyi, there hadn't been a clear shot at all, "Really now? I do not see Jake Sully, I will kill her."
Silence filled the air, but with the stance Neytiri held, she wasn't going to back down. The look on her face was so tempting, urging Kireyi to wait for the perfect timing just as she did. Then, an arrow flew.
It wasn't aimed to kill the man, but close enough to make him duck and move, just the right amount for Kireyi to get out of his grasp. She ran forward, tripping as Quaritch grasped for her leg in a hurry, hitting her head on one of the rocks. She was still conscious, she needed to fight- she would fight. Kicking the man with her other foot, she took a nearby rock throwing it as hard as possible into his head. She thanked Eywa the moment he let go, scooting backwards as fast as possible to get away.
Kiri ran to help with Neteyam, "Take her quickly!" The girl yelled.
Neteyam easily listened to her orders, but with the two being so busy helping Kireyi, they weren't fast enough to realize Quaritch looming behind him. Knife still in his hand. It happened in a split second, too fast for anyone to process what had just occurred, not even Neytiri could when her second arrow took off into the air. The smell of blood carried it's way through the scene, a scream of horror escaping two of the girls.
Spider and Quaritch both covered in the crimson liquid, fallen to the ground. Quaritch laid there with the arrow through his head.
Spider, a knife to the chest.
strong - neteyam x oc
Fanfiction"Don't look away from me," He moved closer. And she couldn't. Kireyi herself was like the water, if he pushed she would pull, he learned that if he wanted to be closer to her he needed to see how she reacted to his own "movements" just as if he was...