24. Emma

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I pretended to fall asleep against his shoulder.

I knew he was gathering the courage to say something to me, and I feared it would hurt. I didn't need another reminder that he'd only penetrated me so that he could manipulate Orion and try to escape.

So that we could try to escape.

But I nearly cried when he laid me down on the bed and tucked me in.

I struggled to keep my trembling at bay as we sat together. The way he'd wrapped his arm around me so sweetly and kissed my head so gently, like he was afraid I might break...it broke me.

It broke through the fear I'd had of being a slave to my future husband.

Nothing could convince me that he was the same as every other man I'd ever met. Even the good men, like Father and Lars and Mr. Augustus, would have never had the guts to stand up to The Prophet for me. Father had never held me as lovingly as Daniel had.

So I kept my eyes closed and stayed as still as possible, hoping to delay another talk about escaping. Another talk about how we had no future together, in here or in The Outer World. Another reminder that I'd perhaps be on my own soon, possibly with my long-lost sister who I'd never met and may not even want me, possibly with Daniel's Aunt Melody.

Possibly with a different, less handsome man, who wouldn't tuck me in and kiss me as tenderly as Daniel did.

And I was actually starting to get a little sleepy. It had been a long day, between ending my training this morning with Orion, getting ready for my wedding with the painful hair removal, and my wedding.

But then I heard a faint voice. It sounded like Orion, but his tone was much less kind than I was accustomed to.

I tiptoed out of the bedroom, ignoring the stinging and aching from my privates, and hid in the shadows of the front hall. Father would whip me if he knew I was eavesdropping, but I needed to know why Orion's voice sounded so different...and why Daniel looked so tense.

"You fuck her properly and accept your place in our community, or I will gladly take her. The only reason I'm not taking her now is because I don't want to deal with another fucking uproar. We have a system here that's been working well. Everything has been very peaceful for the last few years. But we need new members to continue to breed so we can broaden the gene pool and expand." Orion told Daniel.

My heart hammered fearfully inside my chest, and it felt like blood was rushing through my ears. I backed away quietly and hurried back into the bed, breathing heavily.

Orion was threatening to take me again, despite Daniel consummating our marriage. It sounded like he was displeased that Daniel had refused to release his Light into my privates: he wanted Daniel and I to breed.

Or he would breed me himself.

And then what? Would he return me to Daniel, forcing us to raise his child? Or would he keep me? It didn't seem like Orion actually raised any of his children. I wasn't even aware that he had any, before my training. Besides Harris, I didn't even know who the rest of them were. He'd said they were all marked as his.

What did the mark look like?

How did he permanently mark them?

I heard the front door close, followed by Orion's voice saying something quietly, and Daniel said, "You don't need to use that on me! I'll do it! Jesus Christ."

Then there was a ringing noise that I recognized as a phone. I knew Father was very rarely allowed to use one in emergency situations, because he was a community leader. But he kept it locked away, and we weren't ever allowed to touch it.

I could barely make out Daniel's voice. It sounded like he was talking to a woman, but I couldn't make out what she was saying.

"Yeah I'm ok, mom."

"I know. Tell Grandma I said sorry. I got invited to a work thing at my new job, and it ran late."

"Yeah it was really fun! The people here are really nice... I was offered a huge raise today, but I'd have to work longer hours. So I think I'm just going to stay here."

"I know. But I really like it here. I think...I feel like it's helping my depression. I get to go off the grid, get away from all the stress and bullshit and reminders of Sienna."

So he did call me Sienna. Who was she, and why didn't he want to be reminded of her?

"I mean, yeah, eventually. Definitely. But I need this, mom. I need you guys to back off and let me figure my shit out out here. I love you guys so much, but my brain is just... I just need to get better."

Orion whispered something, and Daniel said, "Uh. Hey, I-I gotta go, ok? Tell dad I miss him, and tell Aunt Melody I hope to see her soon, ok? I love you guys so much."

Orion said something else to Daniel, and then I heard a loud crunch, like glass was being stepped on.

Then Orion said, "We don't do rings here, so you'll need to mark her after you fuck her properly. Use the branding tool in the bedroom that has your name on it, or we can have the community doctor come and tattoo your name on her. The branding is quick and easy, so most men prefer it, but I'll leave it up to you.

"I can have someone come show you how to heat it up. There should be salve and bandages in the master bathroom. You might need to tie her down, so you can give her some tea, then use the straps and handcuffs attached to the bed.

"You may leave the house again once that's all done, and then we'll see about you going back to work in the office. I need to head back to the ceremony, but I'll be watching again. Your supper will arrive shortly."

Daniel didn't answer. Orion said something quietly.

Then I heard the door open and shut.

It was silent for a while after, and I wondered if he was coming back to the bedroom.

But then I heard what sounded like crying.

And then Daniel screamed, "FUUUUUCK!"

And then I heard another door slam from somewhere in the house.

So I squeezed my eyes shut, tried to calm my racing heart, and tried my best to fall asleep.

He didn't come back to bed.

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