1:The Sudden Death

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Liz's pov

     I have been trying to find Sonic and Tails for about an hour until I heard a scream, a startled scream, I was worried and ran as fast as possible.  

     I saw Sonic tear Tails' heart out of his now bloody chest."Sonic..." He stopped and dropped Tails' body. I saw his eyes were different from before. He said then"I am no longer Sonic, call me Exeller or...GOD!!"

I yelled then" WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO WITH TAILS NOW THAT HE IS DEAD" Sonic or Exeller said"Well, It depends....I'm going to kill you, of course!"I then realized what I yelled out, I thought to myself'Tails is dead.....I'm sorry I couldn't make it in time, Tails'

Exeller was about to come after me when I teleported away. I ended up going to Shadow's house. I thought 'Perfect, Drift must be here'I knocked on the door about five times before Shadow came to the door He said loudly" Liz, What are you doing here at this time of da-" I cut him of by hugging him while shedding a few tears.

"Woah, woah, woah, what is it, Liz?"I said this slowly"Sonic................. killed....Tails..." He was devestated of what I said"Are u sure?" I yelled" I WAS THERE TO SEE HIM DIE SO YEAH I DID" I went in the house ignoring Drift and Sliver in the house. I went to the guest room in his house and just got in some pj's he had for my size and went to sleep.

??? Pov
I thought to myself while watching Liz sleeping ' You're mine,Liz, and I will look over you, because You ARE Mine~'I then thought' Ah, how your chest falls and rises from breaths~,I wish you would have known, I Am Alive, Darling~'


Hello Author here!
I have a challenge for u guys to do, comment on who u think the mysterious person was. And with that, Bye!!!!

Love's Thinking: A Yandere! Half Human! Tails.exe X Half Human! Oc Where stories live. Discover now