8:Who Let the wolf out!!

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Tails.exe pov(Wow 😳) 9:00 am

I woke up to see Liz not there, I looked in the bathroom to make sure she was in there, but she wasn't in there either. I thought 'Where could she be?'. I went out of my room to see Exeller pissed and yelling at Amy.exe. I yelled"What are you yelling about, Exeller?"

He said "Your Fucking Wolf Left through the night!?" I was pissed, Liz left me!?. I said in a dark tone " Where did my Liz go!?" He said blankly "To her house, where else?"

I said before going "I'm going to teach her a very valuable lesson~" I went out the castle and while walking I remembered, this is the date Liz's mother,Emma Tulip, died and I died. I hummed in amusement. She is going to see her mother after what I do to her when I get there.

I stopped and I chuckled loudly,then it turned to laughing.Then, I heard a gun to my head,so I stopped laughing. I looked and I saw a male human who's hair was shaped into two devil horns. I said "What is your name and what your business here?" He said "My name's Tord Larson, and my business is to capture three men who have hoodies on, One is Edd Gould."

I said "Okay, I might have a idea to where the men are~" He asked proudly" Where?". I said"Follow me, I'm currently looking for someone as well" He said "Okay, umm" I blankly said "Tails.exe". He said" Okay,Tails.exe"

We walked to Liz's house.

Meanwhile at a Eggman Base in Green Hills

Scraps moving and a shadow comes out of it and there is a red flash and It says "I nEeD tO pRoTeCt LiZ, bEfOrE tAiLs GeT tO HeR."


Cliffhanger!!, So, Tord is in the story now, what will go down, will Liz be taught a lesson like Tails said? Or will her new friends be the price? Anyway,Bye!!!!!!!

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