| ATEEZ Headed To Thailand |

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I yawned tiredly as I sat beside Wooyoung on the plane, Jongho sitting down on the other side of me. I looked ahead to see Hongjoong and Seonghwa talking to each other and sighed softly putting my head on Jongho's shoulder. By now everyone knew everything that was going on. Jongho gave me a comforting smile as he put his hand on my knee.

"Why don't you sleep for a while? You were up most of the night, getting everything ready for our flight. " He said looking at me and I nodded closing my eyes with a hum.

JongHo's POV.

Of course we all knew, even if they didn't tell us, we'd figure it out. Her and Hongjoong kinda stopped talking unless one of them needed something from the other, other than that they avoided each other like the plague. Seonghwa was spending way more time with him than her. Honestly, I think that this whole thing is stupid. You shouldn't date someone in your workplace and/or friendship group unless you know for certain that they are exactly what you want. Otherwise you'll just hurt the other person or yourself, and in this case, the other person is Inna.

I sighed looking around the plane before I spotted Yeosang in a window seat across from me and smiled widely as he was looking out the small window. I quickly pulled out my phone and sent him a text.

My Doberman Maltese mix.

Hey, you look cute today ^_^.

Says you 👀.

I should be the only one saying it. If anyone else says that you look cute, I'll break them.

If that were true, then Woo and San would've been broken a long time ago😐.

I guess that's true... anyways, I miss you.

I'm literally beside you, just turn your head.

😑...sometimes I want to slap you.

I might like that too much 😳.

...should we test it?👀.

Perhaps...wait until we land ;)

👁👄👁....👁🫦👁 damn okay.

Love you, dork!♡.

I love you too baby!♡.

~End of texts~

I smiled softly at my phone before looking at him and he smiled widely at me before winking. At least I'm for certain that I love my best friend. I looked over at Wooyoung to see him smirking at me.

(A/N not sure why the font changed but just roll with it, I don't have the energy or patience to fix it)

"What?" I asked looking at him. "You and Yeosang, huh?" He asked with a smug look on his face.

"What're you talking about?" I asked raising an eyebrow at him and he shook his head looking away from me.

I rolled my eyes at him and looked back at my phone while putting my headphones in.

WooYoung's POV.

They think that they're so slick huh? I saw that wink and I saw those texts. Little advice, don't have your brightness all the way up. Never know what kind of crazy people could be looking over your shoulder.

HongJoong's POV.

It's not like I didn't want to talk to her, I so badly did. I just don't know what to say. What do I say? 'Hey, we're not dating anymore, but I really want to hangout with you today'' or 'hey we're not dating anymore, but can you help me find my blue hoodie that you wore a lot?' No that sounds horrible. I'm starting to think that maybe we should've never dated, at least then nothing would be awkward between us....God, I miss her.

Seonghwa's POV.

I watched as Hongjoong was scrolling through pictures of him and Inna together on his phone. I admit that I feel terrible. Having them break up because of my stupid feelings was not my intention. Hell, I told her to stay with him! But here we are..they're broken up and Hongjoong and I are... kinda together? Lord I don't even know anymore, this whole thing is confusing.

YeoSang's POV.

Inna looked worn out today, I hope she gets enough rest on this flight, she deserves it after everything that has happened. We can all see how hurt she is. I just wish that I could hug her tell her that everything will be alright but I'm not the one sitting beside her, and I'm not sure if she wants anyone to know how hurt she is, or if she even wants us comfort her cause the second we do, could be the moment that she falls apart.

San's POV.

"Mingi, did you bring my chips?" I asked looking at him and he nodded before pulling them out of his bag. I smiled widely as he gave them to me. "Want some?" I asked opening the chip bag.

"Yes!" He said excitedly as he took some. "I'm so happy you brought these, I was starving and plane food sucks." Mingi said putting some in his mouth and I nodded eating some as well. We sat there in silence just enjoying the honeybutter chips before Mingi yawned a little. "You should get some sleep, weren't you up with Inna last night?" I asked looking at him and he nodded before yawning again. "Yeah, I'm about to, I don't think I can keep my eyes open much longer." He said closing his eyes.

I smiled wiping chip crumbs off his bottom lip with my thumb and he smiled softly. A few seconds later snores were heard. This'll be a long flight.

(A/N Sorry that this is so short, but I hope you enjoyed it!♡♡♡)

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