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we crouch at the opening, tips of our fingers, balls of our feet

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we crouch at the opening, tips of our fingers, balls of our feet. the cold air vibrates in sympathy for the deafening thunder of the big plane screaming over the hard-packed ground. it's even with us when the front wheel rises, and that's when the first blast hits.

and i can't help but to think that they were a bit early.

the ground heaves and we take off, amélie bouncing up and down on my back, and behind us the stairwell seems to collapse soundlessly, because all sound is buried beneath the roar of the plane. the blowback of the engines slams against my left side, and i stumble sideways and nearly slip. zomvie catches me and hurls me forward.

then i go airborne. the earth bulges like a balloon inflating and then snaps back, the ground splitting apart with such force. luckily for amélie, i land on my chest, but that's unlucky for me, because the impact knocks every cubic inch of breath out of my lungs. i feel amélie's weight disappear and see zombie sling her over his shoulder, and then i'm up but falling behind and thinking, like hell weak, like hell.

before us the ground seems to stretch to infinity. behind us, it's being sucked into a black hole, and the hole chases us as it expands, devouring everything in its path. one slip and we'll be sucked in, our bodies ground into microscopic pieces.

i hear a high-pitched screaming from above, and a drone slams into the earth a dozen yards away. the impact blows it apart, turns it into a grenade the size of a prius.

there's a rhythm to this rain of drones. first the banshee scream. then the explosion when they meet the rock-hard ground. then the blast of debris. and we dodge between these raindrops of death, zigzagging across the lifeless landscape as that landscape is consumed by the hungry black hole chasing us.

i have another problem, my stomach wasn't even healed yet. fuck. it hurt so bad, but i had to keep pushing no matter what.

a scar appears in the perfect nothingness ahead. grows larger. it's coming on fast, barreling straight toward us.

"zombie!" i yell, but he can't hear me over the screaming and booms and the ear-shattering implosion of two hundred tons of rock collapsing into the vacuum created by the eyes.

the fuzzy shadow coming toward us hardens into a shape, and then the shape becomes a humvee, bristling with gun turrets, bearing down.


zombie sees it now but we have no choice, we can't stop, we can't turn back. at least it will suck them down, too, i think.

and then i fall.

i'm not sure why. i don't remember the fall itself. one minute I'm up, the next my face is against hard stone and I'm like, where did this wall come from? maybe my stomach had a sharp pain causing me my reflexes to give out? maybe i slipped. but i'm down.

i try to push myself up, but the ground is not cooperating. it buckles beneath me, and i fall again. there's zombie and amélie with sammy and cassie several yards ahead, still on their feet, and there's the humvee, cutting in front of them at the last second, burning rubber. it barely slows down. the door flies open and i see the crew.

zombie hurls amélie toward the him, who hauls my sister inside and then bangs his hand hard against the side of the vehicle like he's saying, let's go, zombie, let's go!

and then, instead of jumping onto the Humvee like a normal person, zombie turns and races back for me.

i wave him back. no time, no time, no time no time no time no time.

i can feel the breath of the beast on my bare legs—hot, dusty, pulverized stone and dirt—and then the ground splits open between zombie and me as the chunk I'm lying on breaks free and starts to slide into its lightless mouth.

which makes me start to slide backward, away from zomvie, who's wisely thrown himself on his stomach at the edge of the fissure to avoid riding the chunk with me straight into the black hole. our fingertips touch, flirt with one another, his pinky hooks around mine—save me, zombie, pinky swear, okay?—but he can't pull me up by my pinky, so in the half second he has to decide, he decides, flicks my finger free, and takes his one and only shot to grab my wrist.

i see his mouth open but hear nothing come out as he throws himself backward, hauling me up and over, and he doesn't let go, he hangs on to my wrist with both hands and spins around like a shot-putter, launching me toward the humvee. i think my feet actually leave the ground.

another hand catches my arm and pulls me inside. it was ringer she pulled me in quickly. over her shoulder i see zombie leap for the back of the humvee, but i can't see if he makes it. then I'm slammed against the door as the driver whips the wheel hard to the left to avoid a falling drone. he floors the gas.

the hole has gobbled up all the lights by this point, but it's a clear night and i have no trouble watching the edge of the pit rocketing toward the humvee, the mouth of the beast opening wide. whips the wheel back and forth to avoid the torrent of drones exploding all around us. one hits a car length in front of us, no time to swerve around it, so we barrel through the blast. the windshield disintegrates, showering us with glass.

the back wheels slip, we jounce, then leap forward, inches ahead of the hole now. i can't look at it anymore, so i look up.

where the mothership sails serenely across the sky.


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