159. Them as old camp games (it cast)

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Such a weird idea but I love it
-you guys playing these games-

- Roman's vs Christian's
- There's a jail. Campers r Christian's and counselors r either or
- You and Jaeden stick together
- Drawing those fish signs in the mud
- You guys keep getting sent to jail
- To get out of jail you have to do tasks like go fetch this huge ball
- He waits for you to get out of jail bc he got out of it first

- kickball
- Boys vs girls
- Why does he get so into it
- Kicks the ball and SPRINTS
- Did he train for this-?!!!??!:!/?:
- The answer, is yes.
- His team wins all bc of him

- murder mystery in the cafeteria
- Thinks he knows who it is from the beginning
- Literally the best at keeping marks
- You're on the same team
- "Y/n did you write down the room?"
- Colenal mustard bruhhhh!

- Capture the flag
- Opposite teams
- Guarding eachother
- He's so focused on you that your team makes a plan to step their flag when he's not paying attention
- Your team wins!?!!!!!!!

- Skunk
- There's counselors hiding in the trees and whatnot in the middle of the night
- You have to go find them
- If you find them you win
- Counselors wear black and one white piece (hence the name skunk)
- Holding hands with a big group bc you're scared to get lost in the dark
- Not allowed to sit out by the cabins or in the light
- So fun but also almost shit urselves lmao

I'm not super religious but Bible camp is soooooo fun sometimes. I swear. I'm sure it'd be different if I went back now and considering I've found out I'm gay now, people would probably be way meaner. But that's not that point of the chapter sorry

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