30 days of it!!

10 0 0

1. Favorite female character:
Mrs k ofc💕💕💕
But on a real note, Beverly (not in the books tho😭)

2. Favorite male character:
Mike, Stan, or Eddie
I cannot decide I love them all equally😭

3. Worst character:
Henry Bowers
Some of y'all saying Greta when Henry literally carved into Bens skin... k... (HE ALSO KILLED HI DAD AND TRIEDTO KILL MIKE WTF)

4. Favorite scene:
Probably when they're at the barrens in the water. That scene is just so visually beautiful I can't even rn.

5. Fav losers club member:
I mean Stan, Mike, and Eddie yk

6. Original or remake:
I'm gonna have to go with original but I love all

7. Reddie thoughts:
It's very real, if u can't see that... idk what to tell you lmfao

8. Ben or Bill?:
Beverly 😁

9. Best ship:
Stanlon, Reddie & Stenbrough >>>>>>

10. Worst ship:
Eddie x his wife (he only married her bc she reminded him of his mom lmao, plus Eddie's gay so like-)

11. Book or Movie:
I'm gonna go with movie bc the book gave a lot of unwanted info to me...

12. Tim or Bill as penny wise:
I can't decide sorry

13. Funniest character:
My boy Richie and my boy Eddie, but Bens scene always made me giggle (like when his door closed and beverly saw his poster)

14. Which characters fear was the scariest?:
Stans definetly 😭😭 Dude that fucking lady, I only just stopped skipping the scenes with her in them... (like the one where she's sucking face with my best boy)

15. Favorite actor on the film:
Chosen, come on now. (Or nic. Love nic.)
ALSO love Wy
And Jaeden
i also love finn and sophia
i'm sorry

16. Favorite adult character:
Still eddie and mike
Not stan for obvious up coming events....😭😭.

17. Scariest penny wise encounter:
When Pennywise is waving the girls fucking bloody detached hand omfg

18.Worst jumpscare:
The lepper, like ik it wasn't a jumpscare but I wasn't rlly expecting him lmfao

19. Favorite quote:
"We're losers, and we always will be." MAKES ME CRY EVERY MF DAMN TIME UGH. ESp with the music in the background I literally have that on my dad playlist (Benjamin wallfish did us so good tho) but also "welcome to the losers club, asshole" is FOREVER iconic

20. Fav "fan account":
Idk if they're really a fan acc but fruitywillbyers it & st group chat made me burst into laughing tears in my study hall I cannot explain how amazing and funny their book is😭 u need to check it out
Also I love @dumbskank1 their cosplays are so so good and I love them sm😭

21. Favorite Pennywise quote:
Idfk maybe "beep beep richie"

22. Best friendship:
Eddie and Bill

23. Richie or Bill:
Don't be mad with me, I just know I'd be more annoyed with Richie haha

24. Eddie or Ben:
Eddie my fav

25. Funniest scene:
I just adore the scene where they're patching up Ben beside the pharmacy sm

26. Least favorite male character:
Henry bowers

27. Most underrated character:
Mike most definitely
He's literally left out of fucking fan art
Which is so stupid bc he's one of the best characters

28. Favorite edit:
I wish I could insert the video but I can't so I'll j put the creators tiktok acc name: rain.fxlms (the edit with 'everybody wants to rule the world'

29. Is fack real?:
Idk if finn and jack had romance or crushes when they were younger, and honestly idc
I don't like jack anyways so I hope tack isn't real lmao

30. Is Jyatt real?:
Again idk if they had crushes or romance or whatever but if the question is do I ship it? No I do not, I don't like shipping real people esp people who r friends, it's weird

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