Chapter 24

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After my trip to Hogsmeade, it was just around eleven o' clock by the time I returned to the castle. I intended to go straight to the commons without having to talk to anyone, but some girl stopped me in the halls. I recognized her as someone I'd done a favor for in my fifth year- Adelaide Oakes. She seemed nice enough when she wanted something from me two years ago, but she'd grown pretty insufferable since, having befriended Lenora Everleigh. 

"Well don't you just look ravishing," she snickered. "Are those big dark circles under your eyes some new beauty trend I haven't heard about yet?" 

"Piss off," I told her. I hadn't stopped walking, but she was keeping pace with me. 

"Oh, sorry if I offended you," she said. "I really had another question for you, though. Would you be willing to do me a favor?"

I sighed, and stopped. "I don't do favors for anybody anymore, Adelaide. Now please go away." This girl really got on my nerves.

"Can't you at least hear me out?"

"Fine," I groaned. "No promises though. Get on with it now." 

"I have a note I want you to pass to someone for me, please?"

"To who?" 

"Well it's not from me, it's Lenora, actually-"

"Seriously, Adelaide. Just get on with it already!" I was beginning to grow impatient with her antics. My hope was that if I at least heard her out, she'd leave me the hell alone and go back to doing whatever it is that dumb bitches like her do all day.

"She wanted me to give it to Sebastian, but I'm a bit shy around him," she said bashfully. "He is so handsome though, isn't he?" I stiffened at the mention of his name. The thought of him with someone like Lenora or Adelaide pissed me off to my core. 

"Sure, Addie," I smiled. "I'll deal with it for you." She returned the smile and handed me the folded piece of paper. 

"Thanks! I really- what are you doing?" she stopped and watched as I tore the note to shreds, letting it rain down to the floor. "Why would you do that? That's so, so- rude!" I just laughed in her face and walked away. I wasn't going to let Adelaide or Lenora get close to Sebastian, no matter how hard they tried. They weren't good enough for him.

I continued my walk towards the common room. When I got down to the door, I saw Poppy waiting there with my letter in her hand, pacing back and forth nervously. 

"Merlin's Beard, y/n, there you are! I've been worried sick about you ever since I received your letter!" I walked over to her and gave her a hug, hoping to calm her down.

"The note was supposed to make it so you wouldn't worry," I told her. "I'm fine, I just needed some time to myself after... you know."

"Ohmygosh I have something important to tell you regarding that," Poppy spoke. She was talking so fast, I was only catching about every other word that fell out of her mouth. "IsawImelda and shewastalkignaboutSebastianand I oveerheardsoemthing Iwasn't supposed to, and-"

"Poppy, poppy," I said, grabbing her shoulders. "Slow down and speak English, please."

She took a deep breath. "I'm sorry, I'm still just a bit shocked by the whole thing, maybe we should sit down and I'll tell you everything."

We went back up to the library and had a seat on one of the sofas in the back to chat. 

"Well, it started with your letter," she began. "I was worried, So I'd asked Imelda about you, and she told me about what happened last night- I'm really sorry about that by the way, you shouldn't feel like you need to run off like that, okay? I'm here if you need to talk, or even just sit in silence, either thing is okay with me."

"I'm doing just fine, Poppy. It's been a bit rough, but I think I'm starting to feel better."

"Well you're about to feel angry with what I'm about to tell you, so ready yourself. Please don't do anything rash afterwards."

She put her hand on my arm. "So this part seems unrelated, but you'll understand in a minute, trust me. I overheard a few boys say that some girls were messing around with polyjuice potions in the dorm, saying that they'd been messing with people and such, so I went to Professor Weasley and told her what they'd said. They searched the room and found the potion in the dorm of Adelaide Oakes and Lenora Everleigh. They got a week's worth of detention each and had to dispose of the potion."

I thought this over, and that much made sense. Those two were awful, and I wouldn't put this past them at all. "Go on," I said.

"So back to Imelda telling me about you this morning in herbology, I guess Lenora and Adelaide overheard parts of it. They were laughing about it, saying things like 'she deserved it' and they 'didn't regret getting detention for it."

I tried to piece together in my head what she was telling me, but it didn't make sense yet. "So where are you going with this?" I asked her. She was silent for a minute hesitant to respond. 

"Well y/n, I think they messed with you and Sebastian on the night of your birthday," she exclaimed. I think I knew where shew as going with this. 

"How would you know for sure?" I asked her. "Have you talked to Sebastian about what happened?"

"About that too, he wasn't in class either. I haven't seen him around too much- seems like he's been just as detached as you. Which might imply that he's upset as well. I haven't spoken to him yet, but I did talk to Ominis. He was angry with you and didn't want to talk to me, but he finally let me explain, and Sebastian had a whole different story of what went down that night than you did."

I processed this, but it was still a bit of a shock. Was this all just some sick and twisted misunderstanding those two bitches caused between us? 

"Ominis said that Sebastian spoke to you out in the transfiguration courtyard, and that you'd said similar things to him that you claimed he said to you. There were also weird events surrounding it, like how he'd even gotten there in the first place."

"I noticed he wasn't present for a lot of the party, until I supposedly saw him and spoke to him later in the evening. And I most definitely was not outside at all, you know that too." 

"Exactly," she said. "He was pulled out of the party by Adelaide, who claimed she needed help with something. When he got outside to the courtyard where she led him, she ran off and left him. And that's when you supposedly showed up. while you, or I suspect Lenora, broke it off with Sebastian, Adelaide returned to the party after leading Sebastian out and did the same thing to you."

I didn't speak for a long time after she finished. 

It made sense. It made absolute perfect sense, and it made me angry. I don't think I'd ever be more angry towards another human being in my life than in this moment. They were about to fucking get it.

After All This Time// Sebastian Sallow x Reader Hogwarts Legacy FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now