Chapter 31

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We stood at the entrance to the cave, but I was hesitant to enter. "You're sure there's nothing dangerous in there?" I asked him again, thinking about all the other times I'd entered caves with Sebastian in the past. Whatever followed usually wasn't pleasant. 

"I told you it's fine," he said. He grabbed my hand and tugged me forward. "I wouldn't lie to you, y/n."

"Okay, if you say so," I chuckled. 

I followed him into the cave, clasping his hand tightly. 

"Lumos," uttered Sebastian, holding his wand out to light the way. We trekked forward through a dark tunnel, eventually coming to a fork in the path. He took us down the left one, muttering that he hoped he remembered correctly. 

"You sure we're in the right place?" I asked him. It was eerily dark, and the only thing I could hear was the constant dripping of water against the rocky floor. The air in the cave was damp and thick, causing my skin to become sticky. 

"I'm about ninety-nine percent sure," he said. "It's been a while since I've been here." 

Right as he finished that sentence, I heard a scuttling sound in the dark in front of us. I let go of Sebastian's hand and drew my own wand, casting lumos. Cautiously, I crept forward. "Did you hear that?" I asked Sebastian. He didn't answer, but when I looked over, he too was hunched down and ready to attack. "Should we just turn around?" I suggested. 

"If it's a few spiders, it's nothing we haven't handled before, y/n," he said.

"I thought you said there was nothing dangerous here," I poked. 

"There wasn't the last time I was here," he bit back. "Please, let's just keep going. I promise you it'll be worth it at the end of the tunnel here."

I let out a breath and agreed to keep moving. 

We slowly moved through the cave, flashing our wands in the dark crevices to make sure we wouldn't have any surprises. My heart was pounding in my ears, and I wouldn't be surprised if Sebastian could hear it too. 

"It's been a while since we've done anything like this," Sebastian noted.

"Well don't blame me for wanting to take a break after almost dying multiple times in our fifth year," I jabbed. "I wasn't planning on doing anything like this again any time soon."

"I didn't intend for this to happen," he defended. "I promise the cave was clear last time I was here."

"Well it doesn't sound like it now. I still think we should just leave." 

"Please just keep going with me," he said. "I promise it's worth it."

"I believe you, but I didn't come prepared for anything like this." 

We stopped suddenly, as we heard more noises in the runnel ahead. We shared a look, knowing that sound. It was definitely spiders. We would be fine, as long as that's all that was in here.

Suddenly a spider jumped out at Sebastian, but he blocked it with protego. 

"Stupefy!" I shouted, aiming my wand at the spider. Another one jumped from the shadows behind the other, launching its venom towards me. "Protego!" I shouted. "Confringo!" 

The fire blast sent the spider running and it died soon after, but the other one was still on Sebastian. "Glacius! Diffindo!" I yelled, aiming toward it. The spider was frozen and then sliced to bits as my spells hit. 

"Thanks," said Sebastian. "You've always been the better duelist between the two of us," he chuckled. 

We moved farther into the cave lit only by our wands. 

There were a few more spiders in our way, but we took them out as easily as the first two. 

Sebastian stopped me, telling me we were almost there. He came towards me, obviously still under the influence of alcohol as he stumbled over the rocks under his feet, falling into me. I fell backwards under him and my back hit a wall. His nose bumped mine as we landed, and I heard him suck in his breath. My heart was pounding in my chest as I felt his body pressed up against mine. He put his wand in his pocket after extinguishing the light, then placed his hands on the stone wall on either side of my head.  

My head was swimming with dirty thoughts as he moved his lips towards my ear. 

"Let me kiss you," he breathed. His hot breath against my ear sent shivers down my spine. My stomach was in knots, and any words I wanted to say were lodged in my throat. He moved one of his hands to my face, gently caressing my cheek with his thumb. "Please," he whimpered. His desperate tone sent me reeling. 

"Kiss me," I finally managed to say. 

He didn't wait a single second before smashing his lips against mine. My knees became weak as he pressed up against me, his hands tangled in my hair. I deepened the kiss, opening my mouth just the slightest. He took the invitation and I felt his tongue enter my mouth and brush against mine. His breath was heavy as he pulled back all too soon. 

"Why did you stop?" I asked. 

"I wanted to see what you look like when you're all hot and bothered," he growled. My stomach was doing back flips at his words. His hand snaked around my waist and pulled me back in before I could say anything. 

He pressed his lips against the base of my neck, parting his lips and letting his tongue brush my neck. I let out a quiet moan as his teeth gently nipped at my skin. He slowly moved his mouth closer to mine, travelling up my neck with kisses. My hands were gripping the back of his clothes tightly as his lips caressed my skin. 

His touch was devouring me whole, and I knew that I would be craving his lips on mine every second for the rest of my life. Now that I had him here like this, I wouldn't be able to go without. 

His lips brushed mine again, and he took my bottom lip between his teeth, nipping it gently. I pushed my tongue past his lips and I sucked in a breath as he let out a whimper against my lips. 

I opened my eyes and pulled away for a second to look at him. My own wand had dropped from my hand to the floor somewhere, and it was now pitch black. 

Something caught my eye, though. There was something further in the cave that was glowing- something I hadn't seen in a very long time. 

I was looking at traces of ancient magic. 

After All This Time// Sebastian Sallow x Reader Hogwarts Legacy FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now