Chapter 70

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Sebastian's POV//

As I watched her leave, I couldn't quite place why, but I felt off. 

Looking at her eyes, there was something I was missing. I also can't help but think about the other day, when everyone had been asking whether or not I knew where she was, like I should have been the one to know. There's definitely more going on than people are telling me, and I want to get to the bottom of it. 

Still, as I walked the halls back to the Slytherin common room, I felt like something was missing. I'd felt like that a lot the last few days. Someone would tell a joke and I'd look around as if trying to find someone, or whenever something exciting or frustrating happened, I felt like I needed to find a certain person and tell them. But I didn't know who. 

I felt those pulls towards y/n. Was she the person I was looking for? Was I supposed to know her better? 

I decided that I needed to ask Ominis about her. He's obviously very familiar with her, which is also odd, considering the fact that I spend most of my time with him, and I don't remember him ever talking to her at all, except in the last few days. I tried to search my memory for any hint of this new girl, but I always ended up straining myself and coming up empty. It was that longing feeling I felt when looking at her that definitely told me that there was something missing. I just needed to find out what it was. 

"Ominis," I said, as I entered our shared dorm. "I need to talk to you about something." 

"Yes?" he said, closing the book that was currently in his lap. He put his wand down beside him on his bed. 

"It's about y/n,"I stated. He instantly stiffened up and his face contorted a bit. He definitely knew more than he was letting on. 

"What's your question?" he asked, his tone indicating that he was wanting to play dumb. 

"I feel like I should know her, but I don't. There's something you're not telling me, I'm sure of it."

He paused for a moment, as if to consider what to say. "You did," he stated plainly. "You knew her well."

"So why don't I? Did someone mess with my memory?" I asked, panic started to grow inside me. Was it just her that I'd forgotten, or was there more? 

"Yes, but I'm not sure I'm the best person to have this conversation with," he told me, picking his book back up. "I don't want to keep what happened a secret, but I think you need to ask y/n." 

"She knows it happened? Why hasn't she said anything already?" I was confused. If I'd forgotten her, why wasn't she trying harder to get me to remember her? "What was she to me, Ominis?"

He paused again, this time letting out a deep breath. "Like I said, I think you need to have this conversation with her instead of me. She has more answers." 

"Why can't you just tell me? I'm not sure she wants to talk about it with me." I thought back to our earlier encounter. It seems like she had a lot to say, but she didn't say anything at all. 

"Ask her." He said sternly. "If she wants to share, she will. If not, there's nothing else you can do about what happened. I'm not even sure I have the full story from her either."

I turned around and left the dorm room without another word. I don't know why he wouldn't just tell me. 

If she was someone I knew well, then there definitely had to be a really good reason that she would want me to forget about her. Either she or I did something she wanted me to forget about- that's the only reason I could think. As I made my way out into the commons, I was presented with a perfect opportunity to talk to her. 

There she was, staring out one of those huge windows into the lake. Her arms were wrapped closely around her body as she leaned every so softly against the glass. i wasn't sure whether or not to approach her. I didn't know if now was a good time, considering the awkward interaction we'd just had in the Undercroft, moments before.

Y/n's POV//

I looked out into the water, counting the fish as they swam by. I swear I saw a mermaid far from the glass, barely visible as it swam through the deep blue water. Of course, no one knew if there were actually mer-people in the Black Lake. I thought back to the very first conversation I'd had with Ominis years ago, on my first day of classes. I chuckled to myself, remembering how I'd seen Ominis and Sebastian pull the prank on some first years in our fifth year. The children really did stand at the glass for hours on the lookout, taking every single word that the older students said as truth. 

As I stared out into the deep water, I couldn't help but think about Sebastian. He was always at the front of my mind, occupying all of the space there, making it so I couldn't focus on anything else. He seemed to be everywhere I turned- a constant reminder of the atrocities I'd committed as of late. 

It really had me thinking; did I learn a single thing in my fifth year?

I really didn't like to think back on the trouble that Sebastian and I had gotten ourselves, and Ominis into. Even thinking back now, I still felt guilty for enabling him to go down that path. 

Shaking those thoughts from my head, I turned around, but instantly ran into something solid. I stumbled back and looked up to see Sebastian standing there with a hand on his head and a sheepish grin on his face. "Sorry, I didn't mean to do that," he said.

"It's alright," I told him. "I wasn't watching where I was going." 

I gave him a small smile and tried to walk past him, but he suddenly reached out and grabbed me by the waist, backing me into the wall behind me. He looked down at me with eyes full of emotion as he trapped me between him and the wall. 

His touch felt familiar. This felt right, but I couldn't help but wonder why he was acting like this. He didn't know me. He had no memory of me. So why is he looking at me like that?

"I'm sorry, I really don't know why I did that," he said, yet he didn't move away. I felt my cheeks redden when his breath brushed across my lips, reminding me how close we were to each other in that moment. "I just wanted to talk to you. Ominis said I should."

"Okay," I said, letting out a breath. Even though I knew the situation must at least be a little bit awkward for him, I felt completely at ease in his arms. I didn't feel guilty about being like this with him either- he was the one who kept seeking me out like this. 

But why?

"I know that I'm supposed to know who you are," he said. His eyes were filled with a longing; whether that was for me, or just for answers, I didn't know. "I know you, I know that I do, but I'm failing to connect the dots as to why I can't seem to remember." 

His eyes were starting to shine as he spoke. I could see the pain on his face, and hear it in his voice as he spoke. His voice was laced in it, pain dripping from his tongue like honey. My heart hurt at his words, and against my better judgement, I reached out and cupped his face with my hands, wiping away the tears that were beginning to fall with my thumbs. "Please tell me who you are," he whispered as he leaned into my touch. "There is no way that we are strangers." 

I stood there for a moment, taking all of his words in. "Sebastian... I don't know how to tell you." My own words were growing unsteady as tears threatened to fall in my own eyes. 

He would hate me if he knew. If I tell him what really happened that night- the fact that I was able to cast that spell on him and take away so many memories, there's no way he would ever want to have me back. 

But here we stood, his face in my hands as he held onto me for dear life. I loved him, I knew that much. I owed him an explanation. 

And so, I told him. I told him everything that happened on that terrible night. 

After All This Time// Sebastian Sallow x Reader Hogwarts Legacy FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now