Chapter 68

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"You're going to have to tell your friends," Ominis said, struggling to keep up with me in the hallway. I was trying to outrun him and this conversation, but he held a firm grip on the back of my robes as I navigated the busy halls of the castle. "And Professor Weasley. Your friends will want to know why you two aren't talking anymore."

It was the next day, and though I skipped classes yesterday, I was back in class today. There were some awkward looks and questions from people like Imelda and Natty, but I tried to brush them off. I'm not sure that I was ready to talk about it. But Ominis was right- my friends would want an explanation for my aloof behavior. I stopped and turned around, and Ominis almost ran into me, having not expected me to pause. "How do you suggest I go about telling them?" I asked. "'Hey, by the way, Sebastian got his memory wiped jut for being my friend.'"

"No, you wouldn't say that," Ominis frowned. 

"But that's what happened. And I'm not the best at talking about things. And something like this, I'd rather not talk about at all."

"I could tell them for you," Ominis offered. "If you're so against talking about it. Which I can understand. I'll tell you that I'm really not happy about the situation though. You really shouldn't have left the castle at all."

"I had to," I told him, my eyes trained on my feet. I knew he couldn't see my facial expressions, but I still couldn't bring myself to look him in the face. "You don't understand."

"I could understand if you explained it to me. I know you're not telling me everything. I know Sebastian and you promised you wouldn't keep secrets anymore, but I'm not dumb. I know there are things you don't tell me."

I considered his words as I chewed at my bottom lip. If anyone were to understand, it would be Ominis, but Sebastian is also his best friend. I wouldn't want Ominis to think less of me for doing what I did. 

"If I tell you everything, you have to promise that you won't hate me."

"What do you-" Ominis was cut off when Sebastian rounded the corner and threw his arm over Ominis's shoulders. 

"Did Ominis finally find himself a girlfriend?" he asked, obliviously. 

"No," Both Ominis and I said in unison. 

"Whatever you two say," he said with a wink. "Though I'll admit I'm a bit jealous, she's very beautiful."

A few days ago this would've made me blush, but now, it just made me feel guilty. Still, Sebastian poked further. 

"Maybe I could convince you to go on a date with me instead," he smiled playfully. 

"I already told you that she's not my girlfriend, Sebastian," Ominis sighed. 

"Well then don't mind if I make a move," he replied. "Of course, if the lady doesn't mind either. What's your name?"

I looked at him stunned for a moment before I could make a reply. "Um- it's y/n," I said. 

"So you're the girl everyone's been asking me about. I'm Sebastian, I'm glad to finally make your acquaintance." 

"Likewise," I responded. He studied my face with a quizzical look in his eye.

"Have I met you before?" He questioned. "You seem awfully familiar."

"I'm not sure," I say, turning my face away from him. "Maybe." 

"She was a new student our fifth year," Ominis piped in. "Maybe you met her then?"

I could see what Ominis was doing. He was trying to jog his memory, but I know as well as anyone that it's mostly useless. Rarely would a person remember things that were taken from them by an obliviate spell. 

"I'm sure I've met you then. It's not often we get a new student that late," Sebastian responded. 

"We've probably met somewhere along the way then," I replied. I wasn't quite sure how to handle this interaction. "Well I was going to the library, so I'll see you two later." 

Ominis gave me a nod, and Sebastian said nothing. He looked to be deep in thought. If he was trying to figure out where he knew me from, he'd never remember. 

As I walked towards the library, I turned the ring that Sebastian had gifted me around my finger. I wondered if I should even wear it anymore. Of course it still meant a lot to me, but it meant nothing to him.

I shook that thought from my head. No use working myself up over that right now. Of course the thoughts never left my mind, but I would do everything to try to preoccupy myself. It was time to really dive into my schoolwork like I'd intended to do all year long. 

What did it take for me to have a normal school year? Why was it always me?

Once I reached the library, I pulled my transfiguration assignment out of my bag and got to work. I had to write fourteen inches on trans-species transfiguration. I got to work writing the notes for the essay, before I checked out a few more books and began the actual process. I'd been in the library for a few hours and hadn't noticed the darkness outside the windows. It was now late, and the librarian came over to kick me out of the library. 

After gathering up all of my stuff, I headed back towards the common room. On my way, Mrs. Weasley caught sight of me and flagged me down. 

"Ms. Y/n, would you follow me to my office for a word please?" she said with a thin smile on her face. 

"Of course," I said. 

We walked in silence, which only made me more nervous. 

How much did she know?

Was I going to be punished? Expelled?

Thoughts rapidly swarmed my head as we walked and I'd hardly noticed when we actually reached her office. 

"Have a seat, please," she said, motioning to a chair across from hers. "I'd like to talk to you about what transpired the other night, if you don't mind."

"Okay," I said. I kept my eyes trained on her hands as she filed some paperwork away as we spoke. 

"There was an attack on a nearby Hamlet that same night," she said. She studied my face for a reaction, and I tried my best not to give her one. I still didn't know how much she actually knew about what happened. "Ominis alerted me as to what happened with Sebastian, and I do give you my sympathy. I know you two were quite close."

"Yes," I said. 

"Imelda turned over a letter to me this afternoon," she went on. 

A letter? I don't remember receiving another letter. 

"She said she found it on your pillow, same as the others. She thought to hand it over before you tried to act on whatever was inside. Though I'll say I was quite shocked when I read its' contents."

"What did it say?"

"I'm not going to tell you everything, for fear that you might want to leave the castle again, but I know that it was you who used the memory charm on Sebastian."

After All This Time// Sebastian Sallow x Reader Hogwarts Legacy FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now